Bible Believers' Newsletter #500
"We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . ."
ISSN 1442-8660
Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Once again it is our privilege to welcome our new subscribers. If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to write. Thanks to the dedication of one of the saints our video presentation Footprints on the Sands of Time is now available here on YouTube. The resolution is not good, but the Message is clear.
There may not be a Newsletter next week as our Appeal is scheduled to be heard in the Federal Court on November 20-21. Please call upon the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ to deliver us from evil, grant the Church Website exemption from further harassment by His oppressors and ours, and gather glory to Himself.
This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.
Your brother-in-Christ, Anthony Grigor-Scott
Press Freedom declining: Audit
August 31, 2007 – Invited by the Right to Know campaign, a coalition of leading media organisations, Geoffrey Robertson QC lamented Australia's international press freedom standing. In 39th place, Australia is ranked lower than Britain and the US as well as counties such as Costa Rica, Bulgaria, Estonia, New Zealand and Trinidad and Tobago. Sadly, the result is not an error made by an overseas agency unfamiliar with Australian conditions, but a consequence of the state of Australian law.
As Robertson demonstrated, Australia's outcome reflects weak freedom of information laws, the overuse of suppression orders by judges, a proposed expansion of the censorship regime, a failure to properly protect journalists' sources, criminal convictions being imposed upon whistleblowers, excessively wide defamation laws and new anti-terror laws such as that on sedition. . . Full story:
An independent audit by former New South Wales ombudsman Irene Moss that reviewed legislation and practices related to free speech issues affecting the media in Australia has found a general "subtle shift" towards secrecy.
Spain withdraws from Germany’s Holocaust-Persecution-Alliance
Madrid abolishes Thought-Crime-Law
Madrid, November 11, 2007 – The first sentence given in Spain for the crime of genocide apology will also be the last. Moreover, it will be revoked. The Constitutional Tribunal decided yesterday to decriminalise a presumption that was included in the reform of the Penal Code of 1996. Article 607.2 anticipates punishments of up to two years in jail for whoever, "by any means" diffuses "ideas or doctrines that deny or justify" the Holocaust.
With that legislation, a Barcelona court [Juzgado Penal Nº 3, Judge Santiago Vidal] sentenced a librarian [Pedro Varela] in this city in 1998 who distributed and commercialised pro-Nazi books and videos. Against the prosecution’s criteria, the Catalonian Court of Appeal [Audiencia Provincial, three judges] posed the question of unconstitutionality, when considering that the referenced article limits a fundamental right, the right to freedom of expression, since it punishes the diffusion of ideas "without demanding any other element, such as affronts, or inciting to attack groups."
We are, undoubtedly, before a correct decision of the Constitutional Court that reinforces our system of guarantees. Because, no matter how odious the ideas that justify genocide may appear to us, a free society cannot deny their right of freedom of expression, unless it includes inciting to violence. The opposite would be to reinstate the crime of opinion. . . Full story:
UK can now demand Data Decryption on Penalty of Jail Time
October 3, 2007 – New laws. . . in the United Kingdom make it a crime to refuse to decrypt almost any encrypted data requested by authorities as part of a criminal or terror investigation. Individuals who are believed to have the cryptographic keys necessary for such decryption will face up to 5 years in prison for failing to comply with police or military orders to hand over either the cryptographic keys, or the data in a decrypted form. Full story:
Comment: Beware, "freedom and democracy" are coming to a town near you.
Erklärung der Familie Heise zu der Hausdurchsuchung
October 30, 2007 – In Germany, more and more homes and apartments are being raided by the thought police, they march in and destroy everything. All computers and DVD and CDs are confiscated and may not be returned for up to two years (after they have run deep searches over the hard drives).
Bank accounts are being blocked and many people are being fined huge sums for writing their opinion. It was reported on TV a few nights ago that one young man recently got fined €1500 for writing in an email that in some circumstances, violence is OK. All electronic correspondence into and out of the country is being monitored, emails, log-on details, mobile-phone connections etc., to whom you are calling, and from whom you are being called. It looks as though this Government will do its best to make sure there will be a police state!! Words written innocently or in jest may have consequences for the receiver. Full story:
Comment: The US Congress has passed another ADL legislative solution in search of a problem, H.R. 1955. "The Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007" is against " homegrown terrorists." Do I hear someone knocking on YOUR door?
Section 899A of the bill defines "violent radicalization" as "the process of adopting or promoting an extremist belief system for the purpose of facilitating ideologically based violence to advance political, religious, or social change." Nowhere in the legislation is "extremist" or "violence" defined, so you can imagine how the government could even use this bill to imprison people like the founders of this nation!
Perhaps the thought police were not listening when Israeli war criminal and Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon said, "I don't know something called International Principles. I vow that I'll burn every Palestinian child (that) will be born in this area. The Palestinian woman and child is more dangerous than the man, because the Palestinian child’s existence infers that generations will go on, but the man causes limited danger. I vow that if I was just an Israeli civilian and I met a Palestinian I would burn him and I would make him suffer before killing him. With one hit I've killed 750 Palestinians (in Rafah in 1956). I wanted to encourage my soldiers by raping Arabic girls as the Palestinian women is a slave for Jews, and we do whatever we want to her and nobody tells us what we shall do but we tell others what they shall do" (Interview with General Ouze Merham, 1956). Mr. Sharon certainly knows his Talmud.
The thought police also turned a deaf ear toward Yitzhak Rabin, at the head of the occupying forces at the beginning of the "Intifada," he gave the order to "break the bones" of the children of the Palestinian soil, whose only weapon was the ancient stones of their land with which to defend their ancestral soil.
God's prophet to the Israelites, NOT to the Israelis, said, "Woe to him who builds a town with bloodshed, who establishes a city by iniquity! Behold, it is not of the Lord of hosts " (Habakkuk 2:12,13; Malachi 1:4).
Putin warns Russians of the Danger from 'those who wish to rule over mankind'
November 5, 2007 – Russian President Vladimir Putin yesterday claimed that Russia is under threat from others who wish to split the country and take its vast natural resources. And in a veiled reference to the United States, he claimed there were others who would like to "rule over all mankind". . . He said any attempt to establish a unipolar world was doomed to fail. . . Full story:
Comment: "National Unity Day was created by Mr. Putin in 2005 to replace a holiday dedicated to the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution that had been celebrated on 7 November." A sure sign the President knows what he is talking about, which is more than can be said for most leaders in the West.
Cheney pursuing Nuclear Ambitions of His Own
November 5, 2007 – While Dick Cheney has been talking tough over the years about Iran's alleged nuclear activities, the vice president has been quietly pursuing nuclear ambitions of his own.
For more than two years, Cheney and a relatively unknown administration official, Deputy Energy Secretary Clay Sell, have been regularly visiting the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to ensure agency officials rewrite regulatory policies and bypass public hearings in order to streamline the licensing process for energy companies that have filed applications to build new nuclear power reactors, as well as applications for new nuclear facilities that are expected to be filed by other companies in the months ahead. . . The energy corporations. . . have advised the vice president and his staff on energy policy in a way that would boost their companies' profit margins. These corporations have also donated millions of dollars to President Bush's and Cheney's past presidential campaigns. . . Full story:
Comment: Could there be collaboration between the banksters, oil and energy companies, climate control hoaxsters and world hegemony? "Who controls the energy can control whole continents" (Henry Kissinger). Australia is in lockstep.
Think-tank says 'Downgrade Christmas'
November 1, 2007 – Christmas should be downgraded unless other religious festivals are marked on an even footing. . . The Institute of Public Policy Research has suggested various ideas to make the UK more multicultural. It also wants "national culture" barriers to be torn down to help immigrants settle into the UK.
In a report due to be published in coming weeks, the organisation said: "If we are going to continue to mark Christmas—and it would be very hard to expunge it from our national life even if we wanted to— then public organisations should mark other major religious festivals too. . . Full story:
Comment: How to create chaos and make life so unbearable the Goyim will beg Esau to form Lucifer's New World Order (Protocol 10:19).
Christian Rock: Blessing or Blasphemy
In the early 1950's, Cleveland disc jockey Allan Freed, revolutionized the music world. . . Borrowing a ghetto term for sexual fornication, he coined the term "Rock 'n Roll". The Encyclopaedia Britannica Yearbook for 1956 described rock 'n roll as, "insistent savagery . . . deliberately competing with the artistic ideals of the jungle."
The Christian community cried against this "tool of Satan." But in the 70's, a sinister hand began planting a small, but deadly seed. And the walls began to crumble. And like a raging hurricane, rock began desecrating the sacred music of the church. In they came; Bill Gaither, the Imperials, Dallas Holmes, Randy Stonehill, Keith Greene, and others. Today, rock music is a common companion of the church. And as you'll soon read; the rebellion, the sexual theme, the blasphemy, the occult influence, are found "lurking under the cover" of Christian rock. . . Full story: Christian Rock exposed
Police: Jewish GW Student admits putting Swastikas on Her Door
Washington, November 5, 2007 – George Washington University officials said a Jewish student who complained about swastikas showing up on her door put them there herself. The student lives in Mitchell Hall, where half a dozen swastikas had shown up on her dorm room door in the past several weeks. University police set up a hidden camera. They said the girl admitted responsibility Monday. . . Full story:
Comment: If and when they are discovered the culprit is inevitably a Jew, sometimes a rabbi.
Hundreds return to Homes as East Coast Tidal Wave Flood Fears Subside
November 9, 2007 – At the Bascule Bridge, in the centre of the Suffolk town, residents said the sea was at least 5ft higher than its usual level by 7.20am. . . At Ness Point, Britain's most easterly extremity, waves were reaching heights of at least 20ft as they crashed against sea defences. . . the Environment Agency issued eight severe flood warnings and said it was "gravely concerned" about the threat. . . The surge has echoes of the East Coast floods of 1953, when more than 1,000 people died. . . Meanwhile, Dutch authorities have shut down the port city of Rotterdam and closed the storm surge Maeslant barrier for the first time since its construction 10 years ago. Full story:
Comment: Brother Branham said, "I think that England would be sunk someday beneath the ocean; it deserves it. Filth, dirt, puny. . . That's the immoral cesspool of the world, the most Scriptural-denying people I ever seen in my life. She's become that, because she's rejected the Truth" (Recognizing Your Day and Its Message, p. 26:147).
When Los Angeles sinks beneath the Pacific I expect tidal waves will sweep the seven oceans (Luke 21:25).
Yellowstone is rising on Swollen "Supervolcano"
November 8, 2007 – Yellowstone National Park is rising. Its central region, called the Yellowstone caldera, has been moving upward since mid-2004 at a rate of up to three inches (seven centimeters) a year—more than three times faster than has ever been measured.
The surface is inflating like a bellows due to an infusion of magma about 6 miles (10 kilometers) underground, according to a new study published in tomorrow's issue of the journal Science.
Much of the park sits in a caldera, or crater, some 40 miles (70 kilometers) across, which formed when the cone of the massive volcano collapsed in a titanic eruption 640,000 years ago. . . Full story:
Fighting Green Genocide
Australia's current electoral system is a fraud twice-over. First, because our easily-destabilized, British parliamentary system is itself a scam: without a strong, popularly elected head of state, its purpose is to ensure that real power is held by a financial oligarchy ruling from offstage. Second, "preferential voting" was introduced in 1918 solely in order to stop the pro-national banking, pro-sovereignty Labor Party of that era by allowing the two conservative, pro-British parties to swap votes and therefore to effectively vote as one. Preferences worked to the same end during the Menzies era, when the DLP's preferences were always anti-ALP, which later continued its fight for national sovereignty until the Crown sacked Whitlam.
Under Howard, the Liberal Party has spearheaded numerous outright fascist policies, including its "anti-terror" laws; its support of the Cheney/Bush war in Iraq. . . However, there is something worse than even fascism, and that is mass genocide. And that is what the fanatical "green" policies of both "Her Majesty's Australian Labor Party, the loyal Opposition" as Kevin Rudd calls it, and the Greens actually entail, given that they will wipe out our remaining industry and agriculture on a colossal scale in order to stop nonexistent "man-made global warming". "Global warming" is a British imperial policy designed to collapse the world's population from 6.5 billion people to a billion or less, as many of its adherents have openly proclaimed.
In the dissenting minority report of the Australian Parliament's Standing Committee on Science and Innovation the Liberal Party has exposed "global warming" for the utter fraud that it is. Educate yourself, global warming is a fraud of the City of London, see: The Petition: A Global Warming Case Study.
Global Incidents and other Suspicious Events
In the interest of striking fear of the unknown in the heart of non-Christians who are not yet paranoid, "they" present the Global Incident Map, which provides a global display of terrorism events and other suspicious activity. They also track illegal alien attacks, arrests, crimes, legislation and US border enforcement showing precisely what is taking place in a town near you. Soon they plan to tell us where we can find gang activity, expose ourselves to outbreaks of bird-flu, and school incidents. The information is automatically updated every 8 minutes 24/7. Full story:
Rabbis warn Bush: Annapolis will bring Destruction to US
November 6, 2007 – A group of prominent rabbis issued a harshly-worded letter to United States President George W. Bush earlier this week, warning him that the upcoming Annapolis peace conference would bring destruction upon America.
The rabbis evoke their previous prediction in 2005, when they published an open letter to Bush in the New York Times, demanding the US rescind its support of the disengagement plan. "We wrote to President Bush, a man who believes in the Bible, to warn him against the terrible danger to which he is exposing his country by hosting such a conference," said Rabbi Meir Druckman, one of signatories to the letter. "The land of Israel belongs to the people of Israel. God punishes anyone who coerces Israel to give up its land," he said. . . Full story:
Comment: As war criminal Prime Minister Ariel Sharon boasted, "We Jews control America, and they know it".
President Bush is not a man who believes in the Bible; neither are Talmudic rabbis uttering chutzpah where the Lord has not spoken. Such hypocrisy, confessing the land of Israel belongs to the people of Israel whom they impersonate. The destruction of America will result from their association with these who boast of themselves as "the destroyers."
Former Chief Rabbi Ovadia Yosef called for the annihilation of Arabs, "It is forbidden to be merciful to them. You must send missiles to them and annihilate them. They are evil and damnable".
God is Working
"Why was that precious little boy stricken blind when he was born? That God might get glory and turn a city upside-down. Sure, God knows what He's a-doing. God knows. And He puts us on the ash heap in order to show us His glory.
So this morning I say this, friends. After thirty-one years of ministry, after thirty-one years of toils of the field, I want to testify to this: I have seen disappointments. I've seen the time I've asked for things, and cried for things, and begged for things, and failed to get them. But if I'll just wait patiently upon God, then I know that it works just exactly right, comes out just exactly right, does just exactly the right things.
When I lost my baby, my little Sharon, that was one thing that stumbled me. I said, "How can that be for the good? How can it be for the good?" And months later, when I saw her standing there in all the beauty of a young girl, speaking to me, standing by the side of that old wagon broken down there. I knew that if she would've lived, she might've turned out wrong. God had to take her while she was tender and sweet. I know I'll see her again. I know I shall see her; I know it beyond any shadow of doubt.
I think of my wife of twenty-two years old, taken, just merely a girl, a little mother there. When the papers give a headline here, "Young mother of reverend just died," oh, how my heart bled. I didn't know what to do. But today I know it was all working for my good. I know the life had to be ground, and twisted, and squeezed to get what was in it, out. There was too much Branham in there; had to be squeezed out before God could make Himself known.
There was too much of you in you, till God had to squeeze it out through trials. And while that squeezing was coming on, it's hard. But after while the skies clear back and you see the purpose of God. Then you cry, "I know my Redeemer liveth, and at the last days He'll stand on the earth. Though the skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God." These little trials and things are just for a moment, and they fade and pass away. But they're only done for your good; let us remember that, that God would get glory" (William Branham, I Know, p. 72:89-94).
Romans 8:28, "We know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose".
God created man in His image. Our soul is an immortal spirit made in the image of God who is the Eternal Spirit. Our natural body is formed of the earth through animal desire and made in the image of an animal. As we have borne the likeness of this body of dust, so shall we bear the likeness of the Word form body which will replace our mortal spirit and transform this corruptible flesh into glorified form like Jesus' precious body.
In Matthew 13 Jesus explained how God sowed wheat in His field—His spoken Word manifest as Adam and the saints of all ages; "But [during the Church Ages] while men slept, His enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat": the spiritual Serpent's seed of false teaching and natural Serpent's seed who "crept in unawares." God allowed this to try and prove His Attributes in those foreknown from eternity as written epistles of the Word for their hour; to bring them to maturity in the full measure of the stature of the perfect Man revealed for their day. "That they should no longer be babies, swung back and forth, and carried here and there by every wind of doctrine, that springs from human craftiness and ingenuity for devising error; but speaking the truth in love, may grow up and mature in the oneness of unity with Him who is the head—Christ" (Ephesians 4:14-15).
God gathers glory to Himself by the law of contrast, displaying His glory in those who overcome the works of the Devil by manifested faith in His Word. I John 3:8-10, "He who manifests sin (i.e. unbelief in the revealed Word of God) is of the Devil; for the Devil has sinned from the beginning. The purpose of the Son of God's appearance was to destroy the works of the Devil. No one born of God commits sin; for His Seed remains in him: and he cannot disbelieve the revealed Word because he is born of God by faith in His Word. By this the children of God and the children of the Devil are differentiated: whoever does not practice righteousness nor love his brother is not of God".
Grace and the Life of Christ Jesus written in the lives of God's elect is known and read in sharp contrast to the works of death in the lives of the children of the Devil. Truth sets us free from sin and death. "The works of the Devil" is death.
Hebrews 2:14-15, "Since we as God's children are human beings made of flesh and blood, He also became flesh and blood by being born in human form; for only as our kinsman could He die and in dying break the power of the Devil who had the power of death. Only in that way could He emancipate those who throughout life were enslaved through fear of death".
We overcome the Devil and his works by faith in Messiah's Word and prayer whereby the Lord God receives glory through our witness to eternal Life in Christ Jesus to whom all authority is given in heaven and on earth until after the Judgment. I Corinthians 15:25-28, "For He must reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet. The last enemy to be destroyed is death. For God has put all things under His feet. But when it says all things are put in subjection under Him, it is clear that God who put all things under Him is excepted. And when all things are subjected to Him, then shall the Son subject Himself to the One who put all things in subjection under Him, that God may be everything to everyone".
We were sown in dishonour and weakness through the lust of the eye, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life by which Lucifer tempted impetuous mother Eve away from the Word and Life to human reasoning unto death; but we will be raised in glory by the power inherent in us by virtue of faith for translation grace. By the law of contrast God will gather glory to Himself in the first resurrection, the manifestation of the Sons of God, our change in the atoms, and our translation. But so long as we inhabit corruptible bodies with their mortal spirit, the Lord will allow His Adversary to torment, test and prove His Attributes in our soul, that we may bring our flesh and mortal spirit subject to the Headship of the "quickening Spirit" married to our soul, for the Word that was sown is not quickened until we die to the desires of our ten natural senses and bring soul, spirit and body under preeminence. We are to be His witnesses, in an ethical sense, martyrs, who after His example have proved the strength and genuineness of their faith in Christ, having submitted carnal thinking and worldly desires to a violent death.
Like a boxer or an athlete we are presently in training for the grand contest; familiarizing our self with our adversary and his methods, his strengths and weaknesses; learning our own strengths and shortcomings so we may put on the whole armour of God, and having done all, to stand wise as serpents and guileless as doves with the Token on display. Ephesians 6:12, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." The battle and the victory is the Lord's, but before we can stand we must possess the Token or armour of God and have it on display.
In order to truly prepare a contestant his training must replicate anticipated battle conditions; it must be a genuine trial of body, spirit and soul. God puts us through trials and temptations so we can prove our own selves, whether we be in the faith. Is faith real? Will it hold in adversity? Can we depend upon faith alone? Have we added to faith virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, and brotherly kindness? Peter warns, "He who lacks these things is blind, and cannot see afar off, and has forgotten that he was purged from his old sins".
If, like me, you find the time of training long, decades long, and absolutely daunting, then like me, you may have too much you in you. And God will keep beating that gold until He expels the dross and can see His image reflected in you. Remember Moses, whom God tested over forty years before he was fit for his calling; and Paul, who suffered beatings and stonings and imprisonment for the sake of his calling to deliver the Gospel to the Gentiles. II Timothy 1:12, "Nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day." Keep on the firing line. God will not forsake His elect.
The Lord told Brother Branham not to expound the "third pull" to Pentecostal ministers as it was not sent to Laodiceans and would create confusion. Now after forty years, ministers in the circle of this Message are confused. Yet the end-time ministry is required to become one with the open Book and repeat the prophecy concerning many peoples and nations and tongues and kings, saying what he meant, not parroting what he said, "for the letter kills, but the spirit gives Life." The "third pull" is the revelation of the "letter" of the Message whose function is to quicken the saints, indict individuals and groups who reject the revelation, and produce what we say in the Name of the Lord during the manifestation of the Sons of God to raise faith in us for the body change. The enemy of God and men feign offence at this "evening time Light" prophesied by Zechariah 14:7 and persecute us because It introduced Jesus Messiah's second or 'parousia' Coming into the world whom they "crucify to themselves a second time, and hold up to contempt".
Brother Branham said, "The third pull has now been vindicated. . . there'll never be any impersonation of that, 'cause it can't be. . . it's just happened so it could identify its presence among you. See? But it will not be used in a great way, until this council begins to tighten up. . . when the squeeze comes down, then you'll see what you have seen temporarily be manifested in the fullness of its power. . . this will be the thing that will start the rapturing faith for the going away.
There's coming a time. . . to where this nation is going to exercise all the power that the beast had before (which was pagan Rome, when it become papal Rome. See?). . . Revelations 13 plainly explains it. . . So don't you see, Roman denomination, a marked Protestant denomination, an image unto the beast, making a power that'll force all Protestants like a union. You'll have to be into this council of churches, or you won't be able to have fellowship. . . when that time comes, and the press comes to a place to where you're pressed out. . . watch the third pull then. It'll be absolutely to the total lost, but it will be for the Bride and the church" (Look Away to Jesus, p. 5:38-49).
As indicated by the news items, the Empire of the City of London — Britain, the USA, Canada and Australia in lockstep — is beginning to display the ruthless nature of Imperial Rome. As the (once) Protestant churches draw closer in union with one another and their mother Rome, whose image they are, they will also draw closer to the so-called Jews with whom Rome will covenant to refinance the US dollar (Daniel 9:27; Revelation 17:12-17). The leadership of the non-Semitic, anti-Semitic self-styled Jews has announced their intent to impose dominion over non-Jews:
"The Seven Noachide laws are general commandments with many details. Transgressing any one of them is considered such a breach in the natural order that the offender incurs the death penalty. Apart from a few exceptions, the death sentence for a Ben Noach is Sayif, death by the sword/decapitation, the least painful of the four modes of execution of criminals (see Rambam's Hilchos Melachim 9:14). (The four methods of capital punishment in Torah are: S’kilah - Stoning; S’rifah - Burning; Hereg - Decapitation; Henek - Strangulation.) The many formalities of procedure essential when the accused is an Israelite need not be observed in the case of the Noachite. The latter may be convicted on the testimony of one witness, even on that of relatives, but not on that of a woman. He need have had no warning from the witnesses; and a single judge may pass sentence on him (Sanhedrin 57a, b; Rambam, Hilchos Melakim 9:14; ).
Section 46PO(1)(b) of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Act 1986 states: "any person who was an affected person in relation to the complaint may make an application to the Federal Court or the Federal Magistrates Court, alleging unlawful discrimination by one or more of the respondents to the terminated complaint. . ." One person complained, and "a single judge" passed sentence.
Can you guess who has dominion over the nation (Genesis 27:39-41), and who was the architect of this legislation? During 1988, the predominant architect of "Anti-Hate" legislation, the Jewish Anti-Defamation League of Rothschild's B'nai B'rith, helped sponsor a nationwide, law-student competition to write a model "Anti-Hate" law for America. . . That competition was won by Joseph Ribakoff, whose thesis proposes that not only must hate motivated violence be banned, but also any words which stimulate: suspicion; friction; hate; and possible violence must also be criminalised. This ADL prize-winning paper suggests that not only should state-agencies monitor and restrict free speech in general, but they should also censor all films that criticize identifiable groups. Furthermore, even if the person making the statement can justify it, for example Christians criticizing homosexuality because the bible expressly forbids it, Ribakoff asserts that the truth is to be no defence in court.
The only proof a court will need in order to secure a conviction of hate speech is that something has been said, and a minority group or member of such group has felt emotionally damaged as a result of such criticism. Under these proposals which the ADL has since forced into law all over much of the world, Jesus Christ would be arrested as a hate criminal.
The method of procedure in the Nuremberg kangaroo trials was based on the same absence of principles. The status of the tribunal was defined as follows:
* Article 19: The Court will not be bound by technical rules relating to the administration of proofs. It will adopt and apply as far as possible an expeditive and not a formalist procedure, will admit any means it considers to have conclusive value.
* Article 21: The Court will not require proof of facts that are of public notoriety, but will take them as established. It also regards as authentic proofs the official documents and reports of the Allied governments.
This was the juridical monstrosity whose decisions were to be canonized and regarded as criteria of an untouchable historical truth, according to the Gayssot-Fabius law of May 2, 1990. Magistrates are being turned into judges of historical truth in spite of prior laws on freedom of expression and freedom of worship.
Subjective "emotion," not objective truth and hard fact can now brand one a criminal. Common Law and juries are passe, and, as I discovered too late, whereas under criminal law one is presumed innocent until proven guilty, under civil law one is presumed guilty and must establish his innocence. As your eagle eye may have observed, the "competition" was held ex post facto since the Act was passed two years beforehand, somewhat like the so-called Holocaust of World War II which was not announced until the Eichmann Trial in 1961.
Sniff the breeze, can you feel "the squeeze" approaching?
According to the Talmud, "A non-Jew is put to death on the basis of a decision given by one judge [no jury], and on the basis of testimony given by a single witness, and even if he was not given a proper warning prior to the commission of his offense. He is put to death on the basis of testimony and a decision given by a man but not on the basis of testimony and a decision given by a woman, and the man who testified or decided against him can even be a relative.
"A Jew can only be put to death by a court of twenty-three judges, and on the basis of the testimony of two male witnesses who are not disqualified from testifying on account of kinship, and after being properly warned against committing the transgression. But none of these rules apply in the case of a non-Jew" (Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 57b, Steinsaltz edition, vol.18, page 110).
". . . violation of any one of the seven laws subjects the Noachide to capital punishment by decapitation" (Sanhedrin 57a; Encyclopaedia Judaica, "Noahide Laws").
"The Christians are idolaters, and Sunday is their holiday. . ." (Maimonides, Mishneh Torah, Avodah Zorah, 9;4).
". . . a gentile who worships false gods is liable, [for the death penalty] provided he worships them in the accepted manner. A gentile is executed for every type of foreign worship which a Jewish court would consider worthy of capital punishment" (Maimonides, Mishneh Torah, Hilchot Melachim 11;
This is also the view of Bar-llan University's Rabbi Dr. Pinchas Hayman, who is active in Jewish-Christian dialogue and in encouraging modern Christianity to return to its Jewish roots by observing the Seven Noahide Laws. As the rabbi knows full well, the Noahide laws are fraudulent and Christianity has no "Jewish roots"; we are Abraham's seed, having inherited the blessings of God's promise to Israel which have nothing to do with Jewry (Genesis 12:3; 17:5; Galatians 3:29). Christians have to make a choice — "either retain their present belief system and be antisemitic or form a partnership with the Jewish people. As long as Christians keep Jesus as God, they will be antisemitic because that belief must lead them to believe that those who reject Jesus reject God," he told The Australian Jewish News (Melbourne Edit., Volume 62 #43 July 26, 1996, p. 9).
The intolerant rabbi has a "squeeze" complex, and will decapitate you unless you submit to his strange gods. "It is our duty to force all mankind to accept the seven Noahide laws, and if not—they will be killed" (Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg, Ma'ariv, October 6, 2004). The rainbow is the symbol of the Noahide movement—the movement to bring humanity under a rabbinic system of double standards called "Noahide Law" enforced by subsidiary courts of a Sanhedrin based in Jerusalem.
God is working in you and in me: we must take the way of the Lord's despised few where we will learn discipline and put on the character of Jesus Christ and the pilgrims who have gone before us. By the law of contrast and the Token on display in you, He will gather glory to Himself. Please reflect upon what you have read in this Newsletter, for it is no mind game, it is real and taking place at taxpayer expense in supposedly democratic Australia. The Australian public will know nothing of this from the media unless the matter is decided in favour of our oppressors. My prayer is that you will see the lateness of the hour, the seriousness of what is happening to us and take this situation as a bell-wether leading to the "squeeze." The hearings for our Appeal in the Federal Court are set for November 20-21. Please remember the Church in prayer.
In Newsletter #499 we described how Lucifer has misapplied God's laws of physics, gathering and converting the potential energy of "human resources" in bondage to kinetic energy, and create material wealth by exerting force and power to advance his goal of totalitarian one world government. By subterfuge commanded in the Babylonian Talmud, he is stealing energy freely given by men and women under "strong delusion that they should believe the lie [he told Eve, that God loves us all]: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness" (II Thessalonians 2:11-12), and I see many churches in the circle of this Message believing the lie. The very people over whom they fawn are those who will hate and persecute them in the time of the "squeeze," and unless these sleeping virgin awake and are born-again now, they will perish in the great tribulation.
We are being groomed for a better Place. "The Kingdom of God will not have automobiles, airplanes, or any scientific achievement. No. It won't have any education at all. It'll be an education so supreme to this, that this won't even be thought of. See? Education, civilization, and all this comes from Satan.
Now, if you say, "Brother Branham, why do you read then?" See, just like, why do I wear clothes now? In the civilization that was to come, it was first they didn't need any clothes; they were veiled. They'd had no reason to wear clothes, 'cause they didn't know they were naked. Now then that we know that we are naked, sin abides here, then we've got to wear clothes. But it wasn't so at the beginning; there was no sin. See?
Now, the same thing is in the way of civilization. Altogether, we read, we write, we do this, but don't never get adjusted to that; don't never make that your god, for that is a god of communism. See? It's not of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is by faith, not what you can scientifically prove, but what you believe" (Things that are to Be, p. 18:55-57).
God is not far from each one of us. He hears us groaning together in travail with all creation waiting for the manifestation of the Sons of God. Do not fear the silence or be discouraged when things do not seem to happen as you would wish. God is in control; He is working with you and in you. nl500.htm
Pass it on . . . please send this article to someone you know
Brother Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations in other countries. He pastors Bible Believers' tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.
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Saturday, November 10, 2007
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Energy Crisis, or Free Energy? It's Your Choice!
Bible Believers' Newsletter #499
"We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . ."
ISSN 1442-8660
Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. An especial welcome to our new subscribers.
The world is going insane. On June 6, 33 US Senators voted against English as America's official language.
I put off filling the car last Monday: by Thursday the black gold that backs the US dollar was 8% more costly. Uncle Sam and the thugs that run his Administration are engineering an "energy crisis." We will be talking physics in this Newsletter, examining how the powers-that-be have applied the laws of physics to the economy and "human resources" to engineer an "energy crisis" that will enable them to seize world hegemony for their god Lucifer, and how there is unlimited "free energy" for whomsoever of Adam's race will receive it.
This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.
Your brother-in-Christ, Anthony Grigor-Scott
US War Leaders implicated in Putin Assassination Attempt
October 27, 2007 – Kremlin reports are stating today that the United States War Leaders are in a 'state of panic' over the unraveling of their abortive attempt to attack Iran with a nuclear missile launched from the Middle Eastern Nation of Qatar during the visit of President Putin. The Americans plan, according to these reports, was for the Russian President to be killed during the nuclear missile strike on Iran, throwing the Kremlin 'off guard' and unable to respond to the combined US-Israeli assault upon the Iranian Nation.
The chilling details of these reports, however, state that immediately prior to President Putin's October 16th visit to Iran the Kremlin was informed by high ranking US Military Officers of the intended nuclear strike against Iran, and assassination plan of Putin himself, whereupon Putin ordered Russia's Nuclear Forces to respond with an 'immediate' counter-strike against American Military targets in the Middle East if the attack was launched. . . On October 16th, almost immediately after Putin had arrived in Iran, American Military Forces in Qatar launched a nuclear-armed missile towards the Iranian capital city of Tehran, but which, 'almost immediately' after the launch, was destroyed in flight and 'explained away' by the US Military as an 'inadvertent and mysterious' launch of a Patriot Missile. . .
Russian Military Intelligence reports are stating that after the aborted US nuclear missile launch against Iran, the 3-person crew of the Patriot Missile Battery in Qatar were 'moved' to the giant US Naval Support Activity base in Bahrain, and which after their 'interrogation' 2 of the US Soldiers, Genesia Mattril Gresham and Anamarie Sannicolas Camacho, were immediately killed and the third US Soldier involved, Clarence Jackson, was shot through the brain and is not expected to survive. . . Full story:
Russian Military Intelligence Analysts are reporting today that one of the United States most secretive spy satellites, the KH-13, targeting Iran was 'destroyed in its orbit' . . . it was the Americans themselves who destroyed their own spy satellite with the attack upon it being made by the United States Air Forces' 30th Space Wing located at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. . .
Barksdale Air Force Base is where the United States President was 'ordered' to report to on September 11, 2001 by the United States Air Force Strategic Command prior to his being 'transferred' under 'armed escort' to Offutt Air Force Base Strategic Command Center near Omaha, Nebraska, where the first 'truce' between America's War Leaders and its Military Forces was 'negotiated' by billionaire Warren Buffett as intermediary between the rival power blocs. . .
Full story:
Comment: Do not fail to read these two URLs and all of their links. Mad George II was allegedly trying to "nuke" Iran and President Putin too.
The Overall Plan to force the North American Union
What we're seeing could be the beginning of a worldwide recession — even a depression — when the largest consumer nation in the world is unable to import products. . . [the income from which] Third World countries and Europe depend. . . The value of the dollar must be devalued to closely reflect the peso so that the combined currencies of the United States, Canada and Mexico will arrive at parity and a new currency can be created called the "amero." This is the same process as happened among the member countries of the European Union, where millions experienced devaluation of their savings. Otherwise, this agreement between the "Amero Three" is not achievable. . .
The US Senate just passed a bill that restricts free speech. . . The House's liberal leaders are . . . pushing the envelope for billions in social spending that is simply unaffordable, which will further increase the national debt to unimaginable heights. . . The liberal majority in the Senate is building a head of steam to prevent anyone, especially veterans, who ever experienced a mental problem or were diagnosed as having anxiety problems as a child, from owning a gun. . . Mexican leaders intend that the United States furnish all the social benefits to their constituents in Mexico and the United States... once the NAU is implemented.
The demise of the United States, the greatest experiment in liberty, is about to be accomplished by its elected representatives, David Rockefeller and his banking friends, and the major media owners. They have succeeded in dumbing down the public. The government public education system's "No Child Left Behind" has left millions of students politically, economically and intellectually ignorant of the rudiments of science, mathematics, geography, civics, American history, and too many are verbally incompetent or unable to write a complete sentence. Nearly 50% fail to graduate from high school within four years. . . Full story:
Criminals at RNC try to move Primaries into Christmas, 2007
October 06, 2007 – The groundswell of grassroots Americans for Congressman Ron Paul for President ($5 million collected from normal Americans in the last 3 months). . . The political thugs at the RNC (and the DNC) want to have two of their puppets nominated (maybe Hillary and Romney?) by February, 2008 - before most Americans even know the 2008 election season has begun! (As Pat Buchanan said in 2000, the Democratic and Republican Parties are two wings on the same bird of prey).
We need a RICO (racketeering) suit filed against these unscrupulous moral monsters in the RNC and against the state GOP officials who are cooperating to change the election dates and rules without any good reason at this late date. They are changing the election rules–I say it's racketeering–so the Neo-Con super criminals behind the GOP and the DEMS can keep control of the United States government, which means keeping control of TRILLIONS of dollars — and the most powerful military weapons in the world. With this money and power, they plan to "break some eggs" and bring untold, unnecessary suffering on millions of people with their planned wars, phony terror attacks, and police state tactics. Now THAT, my friends, is real racketeering! . . Full story:
October 27, 2007 – Translating from German, the suspicious author of this article sees a financial logic behind the forest fires in California. Because so many thousands of houses remain unsold, every burnt-down house is a good house since it reduces the oversupply. Furthermore, owners are rid of a mortgage that now exceeds market value, and as the houses are insured the victim will be able to purchase an even better home with the payout, as house prices continue to fall.
"The losers will be the Insurance companies, and most of the reinsurance is with German and Swiss companies. . . The only US Insurance Company hit by these losses is owned by the Billionaire Warren Buffet who refused to invest in Sub-Prime Investments, so the 'Plunge Protection Team' is making him pay his dues in the US financial Crisis. . . Full story:
Comment: Die Welt (Page 10) was founded by Theodor Herzl.
Scripture can Save Your Life in More Ways than One
An elderly woman having returned home from evening service was startled by an intruder. Catching the man in the act of robbery she yelled, "Stop! Acts 2:38!"
The burglar froze in his tracks while she calmly called the police and explained what she had done. As the officer cuffed the man, he asked, "Why did you freeze when the old lady yelled Scripture?"
"She said she had an ax and two .38's!"
More than 'Six Million'
New York, October 19, 2007 – A representative of the Ukrainian foreign office, Pyotr Dozenko, has called upon the UN to recognize as genocide the starvation catastrophe of the years 1932-33. So reported the UN press center.
"Dozenko is of the opinion such a step would serve to make an important contribution toward the prevention of genocide and crimes against humanity, the communiqué said. Dozenko noted that this was the 60th anniversary of the genocide convention. In this connection he stressed that 15 years before the convention resolution, Ukrainian citizens were the victims of genocide.
"The famine . . . artificially caused by the totalitarian Communist regime in the Ukraine in the years 1932 to 1933 led to the death of seven to 10 million innocent men, women and children, which constituted 25 percent of the population of the Ukraine at the time," Dozenko said, according to the press center statement. The primary cause of the famine was the forced collectivization of agriculture under Stalin.* This was recognized by 11 states [including NS German] as genocide. *NOTE: Most of the commissars executing this policy were Jews. Full story:
Foreign Ministry submits Holocaust Education Bill to UNESCO
October 16, 2007 – More than 60 years after the Holocaust, the Foreign Ministry is working to keep the Nazi genocide at the forefront of international consciousness. Holocaust survivors lay a wreath during the Holocaust Remembrance Day ceremony at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem.
The ministry submitted a resolution to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization this week calling for the creation of a UNESCO-sponsored curriculum to teach students around the world about the Holocaust and its role in history. The Holocaust Remembrance resolution, proposed by the ministry's Division of International Organizations, aims to preserve the memory of the Holocaust while preventing its denial. . . Full story:
Comment: Will genuine holocausts be ignored? The Swedish Jew Eisenhower systematically starved 13.2 million Germans to death — after the 1945 surrender! Unlike the holocaust of six million Jews claimed for World War I and the holocaust of six million Jews between the wars, the so-called holocaust of six million Jews claimed in World War II, is not yet officially revised to zero. Truth in history is brutally suppressed and remains as a cover for this and other real Jewish atrocities in Judaeo-Communist Russia.
Japan ceases to use US Dollar as Reserve Currency
October 17, 2007 – Iran and Japan have taken another step in making the dollar's dominance a thing of the past. Japanese oil refiners Cosmo Oil Co. and Japan Energy Corp. have started paying for Iranian crude oil in yen instead of dollars, announced company spokesmen on October 9. Both companies are following in the footsteps of Nippon Oil Corp.-Japan's largest oil refiner-which made the same announcement in September. . . Full story:
San Jose has 5.6 Earthquake
October 31, 2007 — The US Geological Survey reports that a 5.6 earthquake based in the Alum Rock area of San Jose hit at approximately 8:04 p.m. . . There were no immediate reports of major damage or injury. . . Full story:
Radiation Poisoning of America
A proven cancer initiator now inundates our cities, roadways, schools, offices and homes. Any environmental stressor that jackhammers human cells at millions to billions of cycles per second is a cancer factor. Any wave-pollution that breaks the DNA and causes pre-cancerous micronuclei in human blood is a cancer factor. Logic tells us that there will be no "answer to cancer" until we eliminate the cancer factors.
Wireless communications radiation is to America today what DDT, thalidomide, dioxin, benzene, Agent Orange and asbestos were yesterday. Historically, the truth about the public health menace of extreme toxins is never told until thousands sicken and die. . . Full story:
Energy Crisis, or Free Energy? Its Your Choice!
Isaiah 55:1-7, "Hey! Every one who thirsts, come to the waters, and he who has no money; come, buy, and eat; yes, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. Why spend your money for what is not bread? and your labour for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good; let your soul delight itself in abundance. Incline your ear, and come to Me: hear, and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David. Behold, I have made Messiah, David's Greater Son, a witness who shall testify of salvation to the Gentiles, a leader and commander of the nations. Surely Israel shall call nations you do not know, and nations that knew you not shall run to you because of the Lord your God, and of the Holy One of Israel, for He has glorified You."
"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call on Him while He is near: let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his schemings: and let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon".
Isaiah was prophesying of a new way of salvation—not by works of the Law but by faith in the testimony of Messiah—a salvation not only for Israel but for everyone in Adam's race who will believe. A salvation the essence of which is believing acceptance in His finished work on Calvary. God in simplicity: salvation received by grace through faith in His Word alone.
Confirming Isaiah's prophecy, Jesus told the elect Samaritan prostitute, "You worship you know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is from the Judeans." The prophetic knowledge of salvation delivered to Israel by law, types, shadows and prophecy, running back in unbroken succession to Abraham now stood before her in the Person of the Savior. As God's elect she recognized the revealed Word for her hour: "I know that Messiah will come, the One they call Christ, and when He does, He will explain all things" (John 4:22, 25).
We fail and fall in our own weakness, rising again in the strength and by the power of Jesus Messiah, and say, "Satan, you are defeated. Jesus stripped you of everything you had at Calvary. You have not one legal right. Christ has redeemed everything Adam lost: our health, our strength, our eternal spirit, and restored them freely by grace. Christ is with us and in us, working signs and wonders, for His strength is revealed in our weakness. By the law of contrast He gathers glory to Himself when He displays His attributes. Unless there was a people in need calling upon Him by faith, how could He reveal Himself as Jehovah-Jireh? Unless a lost people believed upon Him for salvation He could never have expressed Himself as Jehovah-Savior, and unless sickness or hurt drew a people of faith to call upon Him for healing, however would He receive glory as Jehovah-Rapha?
In Luke 10:25-29, "A certain lawyer stood up, and tested Jesus, saying, Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal Life?"
Jesus replied, "What is written in the Law of Moses? How do you read it?"
The teacher of the Law answered, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbour as yourself."
Jesus told him, "You have answered correctly. Do this and you will live."
But he, willing to justify himself asked, "And who is my neighbour?"
This man was a doctor of Halacha or Talmudic law, an interpretation that "makes the Word of God of none effect." He was a respecter of persons who distinguished between the self-styled or so-called Jews and non-Jews. For it is not said, "You shall not injure a goy" (as the American Council for Judaism so ably explain in their open letter, "It is Time to Confront the Exclusionary Ethnocentrism in Jewish Sacred Literature," citing The Book of Education, Abodha Zarah 26a-b, and Sanhedin 57a). He was testing Jesus against the double standard of the Talmud.
Jesus responded by telling rabbi the parable of the good Samaritan, thus testing his conscience. According to Halacha, if the injured man was a Jew, the Levite would be obligated to come to his aid; but as a non-Jew, it would be unnecessary, even unlawful for a Jew to attend the man. The Samaritan, whose race is despised by the hyper ethnocentric Jews, did not see an "animal G-d created in human form to serve Jews;" he saw a fellow human being in distress and attended to his need without question. Jesus said, "Go, and do likewise".
Jesus Christ was revealed "likewise" in the ministry of Brother Branham (Hebrews 13:8; Luke 17:28-30). God, who discerns the thoughts and intents of the heart is not a respecter of persons. When the prophet sought the Lord to heal, raise the dead, or provide for some need, he did not discriminate and spoke only what he heard from the Father, or what was shown to him by vision. Brother Branham was only a man with a Gift by which he was able to raise the faith of a patient to enable him receive his petition. Healing is a temporal blessing that does not necessarily have anything to do with salvation or redemption. God responds to the faith of the petitioner, not his race, creed or colour of skin.
The heartless, self-righteous Levite and the victim shared an "energy crisis." Both were bereft and dying; the Levite was a soul bereft of faith, imprisoned in consciously chosen spiritual death; the victim had involuntarily suffered material loss and was nigh physical death. On the other hand, the Samaritan possessed an energy "freely given and freely received." Jesus said, "I am come that they might have Life, and that they might have it more abundantly" (John 10:10).
If we determine to live and overcome in our own strength we will sooner or later experience an "energy crisis" because we have denied God occasion to gather glory to Himself, not having drawn our life-giving resource from the all-sufficient grace of His inexhaustible well by excluding Him from our life.
Energy is the name given to the ability to do work. People often confuse energy, power, and force. Force is a push or pull on an object or body. The amount of work is determined by the strength of the force used and the distance through which it moves. Power measures the rate at which work is done.
Our energy, force and power are minuscule, and our work for Him so underserving. When we try to serve God and fulfill our responsibilities and objectives exclusively under our own energy we find ourselves grossly underpowered and tend to exert excessive force in order to accomplish the work in hand, resulting in a personal "energy crisis".
All human life depends upon the energy in the universe provided by our omniscient and omnipotent Creator. And because energy and matter are now known to be closely related, the law of the conservation of energy has been interpreted in a new light. Energy cannot be created or destroyed. But it may be developed from matter and turned into matter. How else could man live eternally on a renewed earth under renewed skies? We know therefore that the fallacious propaganda about excessive CO2 in the atmosphere, "peak oil" and failing resources is promoting the hidden agenda of "Death, the rider on the pale horse," suggested by the "Report from Iron Mountain on the Possibility and Desirability of Peace" the neo-Malthusian "Limits to Growth" report of the Club of Rome; "Global 2000 Report to the President" and "Global Future: A Time to Act," which are correctly understood as political statements of intent on the part of such policy-centers as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the International Monetary Fund, to pursue policies that will result in massive world depopulation and a return to serfdom. This is to be brought about, in part by restricting scientific and technological development, expatriating the productive economy and skills base from developed countries, restricting technology transfer to the developing countries, restricting food production, and preventing nuclear energy development. The Climate change hoax, Kyoto Protocol and carbon trading racket constitute part of the conspiracy. These policies generate a malicious form of negative energy, and the forces responsible for these policies represent the greatest threat to the continued existence of humanity as we know it.
"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation" (David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations; Jesus Christ, Revelation 13).
These institutes and their members are serving Lucifer, the god of force, to push and pull humanity into subjection to their secret agenda by fear of the unknown. They are not of God and their victims will be "all whose names are not written in the Lamb's Book of Life from the foundation of the world" (Revelation 13:8). "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear: because fear has torment. He who fears is not made perfect in love" (I John 4:18).
"Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world" (Henry Kissinger).
Most of the energy on earth comes from the sun. The sun's rays are needed so that plants can make the food from which animals and humans derive the potential energy in order to live. The sun's energy is also stored up in coal, wood, and oil, which man burns to produce energy to do his work.
Forms of energy are also sources of heat. They include solar, chemical, electric, mechanical (for example a pendulum or a spring), nuclear, and the human resource, and may be converted into other forms so that the energy can be released in an appropriate form to accomplish man's work. For example, he can change the energy in a waterfall into electrical energy, and turn this electrical current into radio waves that transmit his ideas around the world, or he can release the energy in petrol by burning it to power a motor vehicle.
Potential Energy is often called stored energy. It represents work that has already been done. A rock lying on the top of a cliff has potential energy and so does the cartridge in a loaded rifle. When the rock is toppled over the cliff and when the gun is fired, potential energy becomes kinetic energy.
Kinetic Energy is the energy of movement. The rock on the edge of the cliff had to be placed in that position. The gun had to be loaded and the locomotive had to be steamed with burning fuel. If you stretch an elastic band between your fingers, it represents potential energy. Let the band snap back into its normal position, and the potential energy is changed to kinetic energy as long as the band keeps moving. A moving train or a high-speed electron in a TV tube exhibits kinetic energy.
Changes in Energy. Energy is constantly changing from the potential to the kinetic state and back again. Every change that takes place in the universe represents the transformation of energy from one form into another. When the boy pulls back the rubber band of a slingshot, the potential energy in the boy is changed to the potential energy in the stretched band. When the boy releases the band, the potential energy is changed to the kinetic energy of the thrown stone. When the stone strikes a target, the kinetic energy becomes heat energy.
Potential energy might also consist of ideas, the written word, maps, technical drawings, knowledge, or revelation. When activated or released into work, potential energy becomes kinetic energy—spoken words, a journey, the expression of faith for healing, forgiveness, prayer, or pronouncement of prophecy. And the kinetic energy may be turned into matter. For example, the fruit of the spoken Word or "third pull" in the manifestation of the Sons of God, fulfillment of prophecy, healing, a bridge or a building.
The law of conservation of energy states that the amount of energy in the universe is always the same. It can neither be increased or lessened. You can get only as much energy out of a machine as you put into it, and friction usually converts much of that energy into heat. Thus, if a pastor is not in the present Truth he does not possess the energy required to produce God's own Life in his congregation, the best of whom will be foolish virgin.
In the natural world, friction, oxidation, neglect, decay and death dissipate and transform energy into heat or matter, continuing the cycle of precipitation, vegetable life, or the propensity of family, cultural and religious societies to replicate the good or evil traits of their forebears (Exodus 20:4-6; Matthew 23:27-39). The natural man is born, dies, and awaits the Judgment, but the Spirit of God in Christ conquered death and the grave, and terminated that cycle when He led captivity captive and gave men the gift of a fivefold ministry to bring the saints to maturity "in the unity of the faith" so that we all speak the same thing and there is no dissipation of energy in friction and death, but eternal Life.
In order to make our calling and election sure and to follow the Lord out of the natural cycle perverted by Satan to that which is Spiritual, we must abide by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Our life must manifest THUS SAITH THE LORD. The Token on display is our hope of glory.
Work in the physical realm is the result of a force moving an object through a measurable distance against a resistance. Two factors determine the amount of work done. One factor is the amount of force applied. The other factor is the distance the object moves. In physics, work is accomplished only when the force is sufficient to move the object. In other words, work is measured by what is done, not by the effort applied in attempting to move an object. A person does work only when lifting, pushing or sliding an object from one place to another. He does no work when holding an object without moving it even though he may become tired.
Thus work, results, production or achievement may be credited to one party with intellectual potential and kinetic energy whilst the financial, technical and physical potential energy is invested or expended by others. Otherwise a negative result may be credited to those whose financial, technical or physical potential and kinetic energy was dissipated while behind the scenes the faceless 'hidden hand' of Lucifer and his children was in control manipulating "the hidden mysteries of nature and science" to nefarious ends.
As the Word of God comes only to a prophet, Cain consulted his half-brother Abel to learn why his sacrifice was refused. With much reluctance and in great trepidation Abel explained God's law of redemption requires a life for a life, and how his lamb and those slain for his parents typed the attributes of a near Kinsman who would meekly and voluntarily surrender His life to redeem Adam and his seed. In the course of this revelation Abel disclosed that Cain was not Adam's son. Cain saw that he had never held the birthright and no matter how many lambs he should offer they would not avail since he was not in the Book of Life and the coming Messiah would not be his Kinsman.
Until that time the mystery of the original sin had been a great secret between three people. Its disclosure would cause the murder of one. Cain reasoned that if Abel were slain he could continue the deception and retain his status as firstborn. The ministry of Malachi 4:5-6 and Revelation 10:7 restored this revelation to all of the saints in these last days. "Then the Lord asked Cain, Where is your brother Abel? And he said, I do not know. Am I my brother's keeper?
He said, What have you done? Listen, the voice of your brother's blood is crying to Me from the ground. And now you are cursed from the ground that has opened its mouth to receive your brother's blood from your hand; when you till the soil, it shall no longer yield its full strength. You will be a fugitive and a wanderer on the earth. And Cain said to the Lord, My punishment is greater than I can stand. You have driven me from the land, and I shall be hidden from Your Presence; I will be a fugitive and a vagabond on the earth; and it shall come to pass, that everyone who learns my true identity will kill me. And the Lord said to him, On the contrary, if anyone kills Cain, sevenfold vengeance shall be taken on him. And the Lord put a mark on Cain, lest any finding him should kill him" (Genesis 3:9-15).
This explains why Cain's children always work under another name and in a different occupation. The mark of Cain is worldly intellect coupled with overreaching guile. With no inheritance in this world and no hope in the world to come his children are aggressively materialistic and generally averse to agricultural pursuits unless others perform the labour.
These false 'fronts' often present a facade of respectability like the United Nations, Federal Reserve, or once honourable institutions that have been hijacked such as the Ford Foundation; apostate churches living on past reputations, or once great nations such as Spain, Portugal, Holland, France, Germany, Britain and the United States of America, that have forsaken the path of righteousness.
Potential or stored energy must first be gathered. God's plan from the foundation of the earth was to gather together the sleeping saints and bring we who are alive and remain under preeminence to Christ in whom we have obtained an inheritance, being the expressed mystery of His will predestinated according to His purpose, which is the manifestation of the fulness of His Attributes changed into the material form of His glorified Family (Ephesians 1:5-23; I Thessalonians 4:14-18; Revelation 3:14). By faith this potential energy has become kinetic energy written in the lives of His saints, and in the dispensation of the fulness of times that Supernatural kinetic energy will change its form as Paul explains in I Corinthians 15:35-58, and we will be forever with the Lord. This is "free energy" but it is not cheap: it was purchased with the Savior's life and we must live our lives in a sacrifice of service.
The most potent and unpredictable form of potential energy is the human resource. For six thousand years the Lord has been refining this free radical in order to reproduce the full stature of the perfect Man in a many-membered Body. As Solomon's temple "was built of stone made ready before it was brought thither: so that there was neither hammer nor axe nor any tool of iron heard in the house, while it was in building" His Masterpiece is hewn without human hand by the Words of His prophets having respect to the individual integrity and free moral agency of the "living stones," inculcating faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness and brotherly kindness only in those who freely receive these virtues freely given, yielding the worldly desires of their ten natural senses in mutual unconditional love (II Peter 1:1-8).
On the other hand the objective of His Adversary is control, and in the interests of his future totalitarian New World Order he is engaged in "human engineering" to establish and maintain elite dynasties subject to his power, a totally predictable and manipulable planned economy and mind-controlled serfdom. By public education, taxation, licensing and regulation he molds the minds and even the bodies (as He interbred the Negroes to make bigger, stronger slaves, and as he designs the female form by fashion, foundation garments, cosmetics, high heel shoes, and so-on); social mores, cultural practices and religious beliefs are arbitrarily manipulated to develop his ideal race of automatons, useful idiots who reflect the unisense experience of Big Brother's "telescreen" with no will or thought of their own.
The Lord gathers His human "potential energy" by revelation: "My sheep receive My Word, a stranger they will not follow." Lucifer conscripts his "human resources" by seduction, flattery and force, extracting their kinetic energy to facilitate his often hidden agenda. His more obvious means of harvesting "free energy" include the call to war, philosophical "isms" such as Fascism, Communism, Zionism, Nazism, Capitalism, humanism, feminism, environmentalism, multiculturalism, "free trade," protectionism, pacifism, rival political parties and religion of every description—all tools of the same 'hidden hand' working to realize world hegemony for Lucifer's one world government. Among the fanatical and evil minority, good people volunteer their time and means in selfless sincerity to the cause, innocently unaware their dedication is breathing life into the thesis or antithesis of a planned, controlled conflict whose synthesis is inimical to both protagonists.
"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of" (Sigmund Freud, Propaganda).
The Illuminati regard "goyim who will not use their intelligence as no better than animals who do not have intelligence. Such people are beasts of burden and steaks on the table by choice and consent." Lucifer, who is "the sum of wisdom and beauty," knowledgeable and highly intelligent but without faith, wants to illumine your mind with Darkness and control you arbitrarily by head knowledge which "is foolishness to God" who wants to rule your head from your heart by His Divine Light. God placed everyone on the basis of free moral agency and endowed the descendents of Shem, Ham and Japheth with diverse natures, cultures and priorities. What seems intelligent to Japheth may be inconsequential to Shem, and what concerns Ham may be not interest Japheth, yet each has his sovereign place, homeland and part in God's flower garden. Cainites and reprobates concerning the faith are weeds that proliferate to overthrow the seed of His planting. Their father does not tolerate freedom of thought and expression but requires "police state" conformity to his will, and has your Church entrapped in a juridical system franchised to the British Assessment Registry (BAR) of Rothschild's London Lawyers' Guild. We have been arraigned by a 'front' organization for Rothschild's Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B'nai B'rith (who were behind the rescission of selective immigration laws that were the envy of the world). No one who obeys Moses or serves the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob would entice a nation to miscegenation under the euphemism of "multiculturalism," which is the global repetition of original sin "as it was in the days of Noah" prophesied by Jesus Messiah in Matthew 24:37. God cannot bless what He has cursed. Rescission of the Act was the thesis that ensnared the energy of antagonists and protagonists devoid of a knowledge of the truth but led by emotional reflex to inflict national genocide. We have been charged under the antithesis of racial hatred laws that were devised by Rothschild's ADL to gender hatred as an inflamed, incurable wound, and the synthesis of a mixed multitude of "human cattle" divided into Bantustans living in mutual dislike, dominated and liable to be culled by aliens who have taken control of the nation's material wealth.
If you can see how the principles of physics have been applied to human society in this perverse way you will realize that the "squeeze" will not simply "happen": like Pearl Harbour, 9/11 and the upcoming invasion of Iran it will be the product of meticulous, long term planning. "We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order" (David Rockefeller). The sinking of Los Angeles and much of California, the 'hot stage' of World War III, and a successful Russian invasion of mainland United States will be the unplanned answer to Mr. Rockefeller's need. This will mark the close of the Gentile dispensation followed by the "squeeze." Courts and lawyers in most countries are bondservants to the BAR rather than their clients and an adverse decision in our matter may be employed to establish "case law" that will bind YOU in YOUR country. That is the objective. Please lift this matter before the Lord in prayer. Our next hearings in the Federal Court will be on November 20 and 21.
Jesus said, "the love of money is the root of all evil." Lucifer has tempted characterless, narcissistic men who have no understanding of God's unchanging Word with the lust of the eye, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life. Recognizing the unfair advantage to be had over homeland competitors by importing cheap labour they are driving the race to equality with the third world and global serfdom. "The wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. As it is written in Job 5:13, God uses the shrewd man's own cunningness to trap him; he stumbles over his own craftiness and falls. And in Psalm 94:11: The Lord knows the reasonings of the wise, how futile they are" (I Corinthians 3:19-20). This is how Lucifer gathers potential energy and converts it into kinetic energy with which he makes demons of men's souls and destroys the earth. As "the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now works in the children of disobedience," he spins fiat money out of thin air by means of the Babylonian fractional reserve banking system which is a perversion of the same laws of physics. His Federal Reserve has enslaved US citizens who are its guarantors. The nations in the so-called Axis of evil are "evil" principally because their central banks are independent of Rothschild.
Lucifer is religious and seeks to be worshipped as God. What the world and most believers in the circle of this Message see as their "church" is not immune to his wiles, and like the Hebrew church the Gentile churches end in apostasy (Isaiah 14; Romans 1:32; II Thessalonians 2; Revelation 3:17-20; 13:1-10; 17; 18). Message churches are becoming increasingly Judaised because of false brethren who have entered surreptitiously to bring us under bondage: had they been tried they would have been found liars. Many sincerely mimic the Prophet and quote the "letter" of his Words without the "Spirit" to reveal what he meant. Is your potential energy being gathered by God or by His adversary?
How many prefer a Scofield Bible simply because this is what Brother Branham generally used? Here is a medley of quotes: "I got a little old Scofield Bible that was given me [by Brother Kidson] several years ago, I'm used to the Scofield Bible, its markings." This is how he came to own and why he continued to use a Scofield Bible. "I don't read the Scofield notes now, because I don't agree with Scofield on many of his theories, (I'm not a Scofieldite). If I'd have had the Thompson Chain, it would have been much better. I could've found my text much faster on a Thompson Chain Reference."
Scofield was not a Christian but a paid operative of Mr. Rothschild's Zionist colleague Oppenheimer; notes in successive editions, even after his death, misinterpret the Scriptures and lead the unwary from the path of true righteousness to a Zionist perspective. God gave liberty to every man to think and express himself freely. Satan stole that liberty; Christ restored it "more abundantly" and Lucifer is stealing it back from those who do not prove all things and receive the mind of Christ, leading into a terminal energy crisis.
We must prove all things, and we must think. We substantiate everything we teach because our Message is directed toward an elect people who will "prove all things . . . to make their calling and election sure." Our oppressors have published unsustainable misstatements that defame and ridicule, and made egregious claims on the basis of systematically misrepresented evidence, confident their media, education, entertainment and religion have conditioned the public mind to regard the myths of propaganda as sacrosanct so that truth is no defence. Even judges have surrendered impartiality for the untested and fraudulent opinions of urban myth. There is indeed an "energy crisis" — not for oil, but for hearing the Words of God (Amos 8:11).
If you squander your God-given "free energy" you will experience an "energy crisis." We each have gifts; your gifts will find their place in this world and in the Body of Christ. Recognize your gifts, appreciate their worth and conduct yourself wisely toward those who are without, redeeming the time because the days are evil, "For the children of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own kind than the children of Light" (Luke 16:8). A classic example of this is Judaeo-Masonry, which is a form of witchcraft and the public face of the Illuminati's world revolutionary movement that is working toward Lucifer's totalitarian one world government. Upon being passed from the Entered Apprentice Degree the Fellowcraft Mason is admonished to study the "hidden mysteries of nature and science" and this is what we have been studying from the Scriptural standpoint employing natural and physical types, observing how Lucifer perverts these laws to impersonate the work of God. "In the days of the Voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God [spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets since the world began] should be finished" (Revelation 10:7; Acts 3:21). nl499.htm
Homework: Please read Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars.
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Brother Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations in other countries. He pastors Bible Believers' tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.
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"We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . ."
ISSN 1442-8660
Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. An especial welcome to our new subscribers.
The world is going insane. On June 6, 33 US Senators voted against English as America's official language.
I put off filling the car last Monday: by Thursday the black gold that backs the US dollar was 8% more costly. Uncle Sam and the thugs that run his Administration are engineering an "energy crisis." We will be talking physics in this Newsletter, examining how the powers-that-be have applied the laws of physics to the economy and "human resources" to engineer an "energy crisis" that will enable them to seize world hegemony for their god Lucifer, and how there is unlimited "free energy" for whomsoever of Adam's race will receive it.
This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.
Your brother-in-Christ, Anthony Grigor-Scott
US War Leaders implicated in Putin Assassination Attempt
October 27, 2007 – Kremlin reports are stating today that the United States War Leaders are in a 'state of panic' over the unraveling of their abortive attempt to attack Iran with a nuclear missile launched from the Middle Eastern Nation of Qatar during the visit of President Putin. The Americans plan, according to these reports, was for the Russian President to be killed during the nuclear missile strike on Iran, throwing the Kremlin 'off guard' and unable to respond to the combined US-Israeli assault upon the Iranian Nation.
The chilling details of these reports, however, state that immediately prior to President Putin's October 16th visit to Iran the Kremlin was informed by high ranking US Military Officers of the intended nuclear strike against Iran, and assassination plan of Putin himself, whereupon Putin ordered Russia's Nuclear Forces to respond with an 'immediate' counter-strike against American Military targets in the Middle East if the attack was launched. . . On October 16th, almost immediately after Putin had arrived in Iran, American Military Forces in Qatar launched a nuclear-armed missile towards the Iranian capital city of Tehran, but which, 'almost immediately' after the launch, was destroyed in flight and 'explained away' by the US Military as an 'inadvertent and mysterious' launch of a Patriot Missile. . .
Russian Military Intelligence reports are stating that after the aborted US nuclear missile launch against Iran, the 3-person crew of the Patriot Missile Battery in Qatar were 'moved' to the giant US Naval Support Activity base in Bahrain, and which after their 'interrogation' 2 of the US Soldiers, Genesia Mattril Gresham and Anamarie Sannicolas Camacho, were immediately killed and the third US Soldier involved, Clarence Jackson, was shot through the brain and is not expected to survive. . . Full story:
Russian Military Intelligence Analysts are reporting today that one of the United States most secretive spy satellites, the KH-13, targeting Iran was 'destroyed in its orbit' . . . it was the Americans themselves who destroyed their own spy satellite with the attack upon it being made by the United States Air Forces' 30th Space Wing located at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. . .
Barksdale Air Force Base is where the United States President was 'ordered' to report to on September 11, 2001 by the United States Air Force Strategic Command prior to his being 'transferred' under 'armed escort' to Offutt Air Force Base Strategic Command Center near Omaha, Nebraska, where the first 'truce' between America's War Leaders and its Military Forces was 'negotiated' by billionaire Warren Buffett as intermediary between the rival power blocs. . .
Full story:
Comment: Do not fail to read these two URLs and all of their links. Mad George II was allegedly trying to "nuke" Iran and President Putin too.
The Overall Plan to force the North American Union
What we're seeing could be the beginning of a worldwide recession — even a depression — when the largest consumer nation in the world is unable to import products. . . [the income from which] Third World countries and Europe depend. . . The value of the dollar must be devalued to closely reflect the peso so that the combined currencies of the United States, Canada and Mexico will arrive at parity and a new currency can be created called the "amero." This is the same process as happened among the member countries of the European Union, where millions experienced devaluation of their savings. Otherwise, this agreement between the "Amero Three" is not achievable. . .
The US Senate just passed a bill that restricts free speech. . . The House's liberal leaders are . . . pushing the envelope for billions in social spending that is simply unaffordable, which will further increase the national debt to unimaginable heights. . . The liberal majority in the Senate is building a head of steam to prevent anyone, especially veterans, who ever experienced a mental problem or were diagnosed as having anxiety problems as a child, from owning a gun. . . Mexican leaders intend that the United States furnish all the social benefits to their constituents in Mexico and the United States... once the NAU is implemented.
The demise of the United States, the greatest experiment in liberty, is about to be accomplished by its elected representatives, David Rockefeller and his banking friends, and the major media owners. They have succeeded in dumbing down the public. The government public education system's "No Child Left Behind" has left millions of students politically, economically and intellectually ignorant of the rudiments of science, mathematics, geography, civics, American history, and too many are verbally incompetent or unable to write a complete sentence. Nearly 50% fail to graduate from high school within four years. . . Full story:
Criminals at RNC try to move Primaries into Christmas, 2007
October 06, 2007 – The groundswell of grassroots Americans for Congressman Ron Paul for President ($5 million collected from normal Americans in the last 3 months). . . The political thugs at the RNC (and the DNC) want to have two of their puppets nominated (maybe Hillary and Romney?) by February, 2008 - before most Americans even know the 2008 election season has begun! (As Pat Buchanan said in 2000, the Democratic and Republican Parties are two wings on the same bird of prey).
We need a RICO (racketeering) suit filed against these unscrupulous moral monsters in the RNC and against the state GOP officials who are cooperating to change the election dates and rules without any good reason at this late date. They are changing the election rules–I say it's racketeering–so the Neo-Con super criminals behind the GOP and the DEMS can keep control of the United States government, which means keeping control of TRILLIONS of dollars — and the most powerful military weapons in the world. With this money and power, they plan to "break some eggs" and bring untold, unnecessary suffering on millions of people with their planned wars, phony terror attacks, and police state tactics. Now THAT, my friends, is real racketeering! . . Full story:
October 27, 2007 – Translating from German, the suspicious author of this article sees a financial logic behind the forest fires in California. Because so many thousands of houses remain unsold, every burnt-down house is a good house since it reduces the oversupply. Furthermore, owners are rid of a mortgage that now exceeds market value, and as the houses are insured the victim will be able to purchase an even better home with the payout, as house prices continue to fall.
"The losers will be the Insurance companies, and most of the reinsurance is with German and Swiss companies. . . The only US Insurance Company hit by these losses is owned by the Billionaire Warren Buffet who refused to invest in Sub-Prime Investments, so the 'Plunge Protection Team' is making him pay his dues in the US financial Crisis. . . Full story:
Comment: Die Welt (Page 10) was founded by Theodor Herzl.
Scripture can Save Your Life in More Ways than One
An elderly woman having returned home from evening service was startled by an intruder. Catching the man in the act of robbery she yelled, "Stop! Acts 2:38!"
The burglar froze in his tracks while she calmly called the police and explained what she had done. As the officer cuffed the man, he asked, "Why did you freeze when the old lady yelled Scripture?"
"She said she had an ax and two .38's!"
More than 'Six Million'
New York, October 19, 2007 – A representative of the Ukrainian foreign office, Pyotr Dozenko, has called upon the UN to recognize as genocide the starvation catastrophe of the years 1932-33. So reported the UN press center.
"Dozenko is of the opinion such a step would serve to make an important contribution toward the prevention of genocide and crimes against humanity, the communiqué said. Dozenko noted that this was the 60th anniversary of the genocide convention. In this connection he stressed that 15 years before the convention resolution, Ukrainian citizens were the victims of genocide.
"The famine . . . artificially caused by the totalitarian Communist regime in the Ukraine in the years 1932 to 1933 led to the death of seven to 10 million innocent men, women and children, which constituted 25 percent of the population of the Ukraine at the time," Dozenko said, according to the press center statement. The primary cause of the famine was the forced collectivization of agriculture under Stalin.* This was recognized by 11 states [including NS German] as genocide. *NOTE: Most of the commissars executing this policy were Jews. Full story:
Foreign Ministry submits Holocaust Education Bill to UNESCO
October 16, 2007 – More than 60 years after the Holocaust, the Foreign Ministry is working to keep the Nazi genocide at the forefront of international consciousness. Holocaust survivors lay a wreath during the Holocaust Remembrance Day ceremony at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem.
The ministry submitted a resolution to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization this week calling for the creation of a UNESCO-sponsored curriculum to teach students around the world about the Holocaust and its role in history. The Holocaust Remembrance resolution, proposed by the ministry's Division of International Organizations, aims to preserve the memory of the Holocaust while preventing its denial. . . Full story:
Comment: Will genuine holocausts be ignored? The Swedish Jew Eisenhower systematically starved 13.2 million Germans to death — after the 1945 surrender! Unlike the holocaust of six million Jews claimed for World War I and the holocaust of six million Jews between the wars, the so-called holocaust of six million Jews claimed in World War II, is not yet officially revised to zero. Truth in history is brutally suppressed and remains as a cover for this and other real Jewish atrocities in Judaeo-Communist Russia.
Japan ceases to use US Dollar as Reserve Currency
October 17, 2007 – Iran and Japan have taken another step in making the dollar's dominance a thing of the past. Japanese oil refiners Cosmo Oil Co. and Japan Energy Corp. have started paying for Iranian crude oil in yen instead of dollars, announced company spokesmen on October 9. Both companies are following in the footsteps of Nippon Oil Corp.-Japan's largest oil refiner-which made the same announcement in September. . . Full story:
San Jose has 5.6 Earthquake
October 31, 2007 — The US Geological Survey reports that a 5.6 earthquake based in the Alum Rock area of San Jose hit at approximately 8:04 p.m. . . There were no immediate reports of major damage or injury. . . Full story:
Radiation Poisoning of America
A proven cancer initiator now inundates our cities, roadways, schools, offices and homes. Any environmental stressor that jackhammers human cells at millions to billions of cycles per second is a cancer factor. Any wave-pollution that breaks the DNA and causes pre-cancerous micronuclei in human blood is a cancer factor. Logic tells us that there will be no "answer to cancer" until we eliminate the cancer factors.
Wireless communications radiation is to America today what DDT, thalidomide, dioxin, benzene, Agent Orange and asbestos were yesterday. Historically, the truth about the public health menace of extreme toxins is never told until thousands sicken and die. . . Full story:
Energy Crisis, or Free Energy? Its Your Choice!
Isaiah 55:1-7, "Hey! Every one who thirsts, come to the waters, and he who has no money; come, buy, and eat; yes, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. Why spend your money for what is not bread? and your labour for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good; let your soul delight itself in abundance. Incline your ear, and come to Me: hear, and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David. Behold, I have made Messiah, David's Greater Son, a witness who shall testify of salvation to the Gentiles, a leader and commander of the nations. Surely Israel shall call nations you do not know, and nations that knew you not shall run to you because of the Lord your God, and of the Holy One of Israel, for He has glorified You."
"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call on Him while He is near: let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his schemings: and let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon".
Isaiah was prophesying of a new way of salvation—not by works of the Law but by faith in the testimony of Messiah—a salvation not only for Israel but for everyone in Adam's race who will believe. A salvation the essence of which is believing acceptance in His finished work on Calvary. God in simplicity: salvation received by grace through faith in His Word alone.
Confirming Isaiah's prophecy, Jesus told the elect Samaritan prostitute, "You worship you know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is from the Judeans." The prophetic knowledge of salvation delivered to Israel by law, types, shadows and prophecy, running back in unbroken succession to Abraham now stood before her in the Person of the Savior. As God's elect she recognized the revealed Word for her hour: "I know that Messiah will come, the One they call Christ, and when He does, He will explain all things" (John 4:22, 25).
We fail and fall in our own weakness, rising again in the strength and by the power of Jesus Messiah, and say, "Satan, you are defeated. Jesus stripped you of everything you had at Calvary. You have not one legal right. Christ has redeemed everything Adam lost: our health, our strength, our eternal spirit, and restored them freely by grace. Christ is with us and in us, working signs and wonders, for His strength is revealed in our weakness. By the law of contrast He gathers glory to Himself when He displays His attributes. Unless there was a people in need calling upon Him by faith, how could He reveal Himself as Jehovah-Jireh? Unless a lost people believed upon Him for salvation He could never have expressed Himself as Jehovah-Savior, and unless sickness or hurt drew a people of faith to call upon Him for healing, however would He receive glory as Jehovah-Rapha?
In Luke 10:25-29, "A certain lawyer stood up, and tested Jesus, saying, Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal Life?"
Jesus replied, "What is written in the Law of Moses? How do you read it?"
The teacher of the Law answered, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbour as yourself."
Jesus told him, "You have answered correctly. Do this and you will live."
But he, willing to justify himself asked, "And who is my neighbour?"
This man was a doctor of Halacha or Talmudic law, an interpretation that "makes the Word of God of none effect." He was a respecter of persons who distinguished between the self-styled or so-called Jews and non-Jews. For it is not said, "You shall not injure a goy" (as the American Council for Judaism so ably explain in their open letter, "It is Time to Confront the Exclusionary Ethnocentrism in Jewish Sacred Literature," citing The Book of Education, Abodha Zarah 26a-b, and Sanhedin 57a). He was testing Jesus against the double standard of the Talmud.
Jesus responded by telling rabbi the parable of the good Samaritan, thus testing his conscience. According to Halacha, if the injured man was a Jew, the Levite would be obligated to come to his aid; but as a non-Jew, it would be unnecessary, even unlawful for a Jew to attend the man. The Samaritan, whose race is despised by the hyper ethnocentric Jews, did not see an "animal G-d created in human form to serve Jews;" he saw a fellow human being in distress and attended to his need without question. Jesus said, "Go, and do likewise".
Jesus Christ was revealed "likewise" in the ministry of Brother Branham (Hebrews 13:8; Luke 17:28-30). God, who discerns the thoughts and intents of the heart is not a respecter of persons. When the prophet sought the Lord to heal, raise the dead, or provide for some need, he did not discriminate and spoke only what he heard from the Father, or what was shown to him by vision. Brother Branham was only a man with a Gift by which he was able to raise the faith of a patient to enable him receive his petition. Healing is a temporal blessing that does not necessarily have anything to do with salvation or redemption. God responds to the faith of the petitioner, not his race, creed or colour of skin.
The heartless, self-righteous Levite and the victim shared an "energy crisis." Both were bereft and dying; the Levite was a soul bereft of faith, imprisoned in consciously chosen spiritual death; the victim had involuntarily suffered material loss and was nigh physical death. On the other hand, the Samaritan possessed an energy "freely given and freely received." Jesus said, "I am come that they might have Life, and that they might have it more abundantly" (John 10:10).
If we determine to live and overcome in our own strength we will sooner or later experience an "energy crisis" because we have denied God occasion to gather glory to Himself, not having drawn our life-giving resource from the all-sufficient grace of His inexhaustible well by excluding Him from our life.
Energy is the name given to the ability to do work. People often confuse energy, power, and force. Force is a push or pull on an object or body. The amount of work is determined by the strength of the force used and the distance through which it moves. Power measures the rate at which work is done.
Our energy, force and power are minuscule, and our work for Him so underserving. When we try to serve God and fulfill our responsibilities and objectives exclusively under our own energy we find ourselves grossly underpowered and tend to exert excessive force in order to accomplish the work in hand, resulting in a personal "energy crisis".
All human life depends upon the energy in the universe provided by our omniscient and omnipotent Creator. And because energy and matter are now known to be closely related, the law of the conservation of energy has been interpreted in a new light. Energy cannot be created or destroyed. But it may be developed from matter and turned into matter. How else could man live eternally on a renewed earth under renewed skies? We know therefore that the fallacious propaganda about excessive CO2 in the atmosphere, "peak oil" and failing resources is promoting the hidden agenda of "Death, the rider on the pale horse," suggested by the "Report from Iron Mountain on the Possibility and Desirability of Peace" the neo-Malthusian "Limits to Growth" report of the Club of Rome; "Global 2000 Report to the President" and "Global Future: A Time to Act," which are correctly understood as political statements of intent on the part of such policy-centers as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the International Monetary Fund, to pursue policies that will result in massive world depopulation and a return to serfdom. This is to be brought about, in part by restricting scientific and technological development, expatriating the productive economy and skills base from developed countries, restricting technology transfer to the developing countries, restricting food production, and preventing nuclear energy development. The Climate change hoax, Kyoto Protocol and carbon trading racket constitute part of the conspiracy. These policies generate a malicious form of negative energy, and the forces responsible for these policies represent the greatest threat to the continued existence of humanity as we know it.
"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation" (David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations; Jesus Christ, Revelation 13).
These institutes and their members are serving Lucifer, the god of force, to push and pull humanity into subjection to their secret agenda by fear of the unknown. They are not of God and their victims will be "all whose names are not written in the Lamb's Book of Life from the foundation of the world" (Revelation 13:8). "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear: because fear has torment. He who fears is not made perfect in love" (I John 4:18).
"Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world" (Henry Kissinger).
Most of the energy on earth comes from the sun. The sun's rays are needed so that plants can make the food from which animals and humans derive the potential energy in order to live. The sun's energy is also stored up in coal, wood, and oil, which man burns to produce energy to do his work.
Forms of energy are also sources of heat. They include solar, chemical, electric, mechanical (for example a pendulum or a spring), nuclear, and the human resource, and may be converted into other forms so that the energy can be released in an appropriate form to accomplish man's work. For example, he can change the energy in a waterfall into electrical energy, and turn this electrical current into radio waves that transmit his ideas around the world, or he can release the energy in petrol by burning it to power a motor vehicle.
Potential Energy is often called stored energy. It represents work that has already been done. A rock lying on the top of a cliff has potential energy and so does the cartridge in a loaded rifle. When the rock is toppled over the cliff and when the gun is fired, potential energy becomes kinetic energy.
Kinetic Energy is the energy of movement. The rock on the edge of the cliff had to be placed in that position. The gun had to be loaded and the locomotive had to be steamed with burning fuel. If you stretch an elastic band between your fingers, it represents potential energy. Let the band snap back into its normal position, and the potential energy is changed to kinetic energy as long as the band keeps moving. A moving train or a high-speed electron in a TV tube exhibits kinetic energy.
Changes in Energy. Energy is constantly changing from the potential to the kinetic state and back again. Every change that takes place in the universe represents the transformation of energy from one form into another. When the boy pulls back the rubber band of a slingshot, the potential energy in the boy is changed to the potential energy in the stretched band. When the boy releases the band, the potential energy is changed to the kinetic energy of the thrown stone. When the stone strikes a target, the kinetic energy becomes heat energy.
Potential energy might also consist of ideas, the written word, maps, technical drawings, knowledge, or revelation. When activated or released into work, potential energy becomes kinetic energy—spoken words, a journey, the expression of faith for healing, forgiveness, prayer, or pronouncement of prophecy. And the kinetic energy may be turned into matter. For example, the fruit of the spoken Word or "third pull" in the manifestation of the Sons of God, fulfillment of prophecy, healing, a bridge or a building.
The law of conservation of energy states that the amount of energy in the universe is always the same. It can neither be increased or lessened. You can get only as much energy out of a machine as you put into it, and friction usually converts much of that energy into heat. Thus, if a pastor is not in the present Truth he does not possess the energy required to produce God's own Life in his congregation, the best of whom will be foolish virgin.
In the natural world, friction, oxidation, neglect, decay and death dissipate and transform energy into heat or matter, continuing the cycle of precipitation, vegetable life, or the propensity of family, cultural and religious societies to replicate the good or evil traits of their forebears (Exodus 20:4-6; Matthew 23:27-39). The natural man is born, dies, and awaits the Judgment, but the Spirit of God in Christ conquered death and the grave, and terminated that cycle when He led captivity captive and gave men the gift of a fivefold ministry to bring the saints to maturity "in the unity of the faith" so that we all speak the same thing and there is no dissipation of energy in friction and death, but eternal Life.
In order to make our calling and election sure and to follow the Lord out of the natural cycle perverted by Satan to that which is Spiritual, we must abide by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Our life must manifest THUS SAITH THE LORD. The Token on display is our hope of glory.
Work in the physical realm is the result of a force moving an object through a measurable distance against a resistance. Two factors determine the amount of work done. One factor is the amount of force applied. The other factor is the distance the object moves. In physics, work is accomplished only when the force is sufficient to move the object. In other words, work is measured by what is done, not by the effort applied in attempting to move an object. A person does work only when lifting, pushing or sliding an object from one place to another. He does no work when holding an object without moving it even though he may become tired.
Thus work, results, production or achievement may be credited to one party with intellectual potential and kinetic energy whilst the financial, technical and physical potential energy is invested or expended by others. Otherwise a negative result may be credited to those whose financial, technical or physical potential and kinetic energy was dissipated while behind the scenes the faceless 'hidden hand' of Lucifer and his children was in control manipulating "the hidden mysteries of nature and science" to nefarious ends.
As the Word of God comes only to a prophet, Cain consulted his half-brother Abel to learn why his sacrifice was refused. With much reluctance and in great trepidation Abel explained God's law of redemption requires a life for a life, and how his lamb and those slain for his parents typed the attributes of a near Kinsman who would meekly and voluntarily surrender His life to redeem Adam and his seed. In the course of this revelation Abel disclosed that Cain was not Adam's son. Cain saw that he had never held the birthright and no matter how many lambs he should offer they would not avail since he was not in the Book of Life and the coming Messiah would not be his Kinsman.
Until that time the mystery of the original sin had been a great secret between three people. Its disclosure would cause the murder of one. Cain reasoned that if Abel were slain he could continue the deception and retain his status as firstborn. The ministry of Malachi 4:5-6 and Revelation 10:7 restored this revelation to all of the saints in these last days. "Then the Lord asked Cain, Where is your brother Abel? And he said, I do not know. Am I my brother's keeper?
He said, What have you done? Listen, the voice of your brother's blood is crying to Me from the ground. And now you are cursed from the ground that has opened its mouth to receive your brother's blood from your hand; when you till the soil, it shall no longer yield its full strength. You will be a fugitive and a wanderer on the earth. And Cain said to the Lord, My punishment is greater than I can stand. You have driven me from the land, and I shall be hidden from Your Presence; I will be a fugitive and a vagabond on the earth; and it shall come to pass, that everyone who learns my true identity will kill me. And the Lord said to him, On the contrary, if anyone kills Cain, sevenfold vengeance shall be taken on him. And the Lord put a mark on Cain, lest any finding him should kill him" (Genesis 3:9-15).
This explains why Cain's children always work under another name and in a different occupation. The mark of Cain is worldly intellect coupled with overreaching guile. With no inheritance in this world and no hope in the world to come his children are aggressively materialistic and generally averse to agricultural pursuits unless others perform the labour.
These false 'fronts' often present a facade of respectability like the United Nations, Federal Reserve, or once honourable institutions that have been hijacked such as the Ford Foundation; apostate churches living on past reputations, or once great nations such as Spain, Portugal, Holland, France, Germany, Britain and the United States of America, that have forsaken the path of righteousness.
Potential or stored energy must first be gathered. God's plan from the foundation of the earth was to gather together the sleeping saints and bring we who are alive and remain under preeminence to Christ in whom we have obtained an inheritance, being the expressed mystery of His will predestinated according to His purpose, which is the manifestation of the fulness of His Attributes changed into the material form of His glorified Family (Ephesians 1:5-23; I Thessalonians 4:14-18; Revelation 3:14). By faith this potential energy has become kinetic energy written in the lives of His saints, and in the dispensation of the fulness of times that Supernatural kinetic energy will change its form as Paul explains in I Corinthians 15:35-58, and we will be forever with the Lord. This is "free energy" but it is not cheap: it was purchased with the Savior's life and we must live our lives in a sacrifice of service.
The most potent and unpredictable form of potential energy is the human resource. For six thousand years the Lord has been refining this free radical in order to reproduce the full stature of the perfect Man in a many-membered Body. As Solomon's temple "was built of stone made ready before it was brought thither: so that there was neither hammer nor axe nor any tool of iron heard in the house, while it was in building" His Masterpiece is hewn without human hand by the Words of His prophets having respect to the individual integrity and free moral agency of the "living stones," inculcating faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness and brotherly kindness only in those who freely receive these virtues freely given, yielding the worldly desires of their ten natural senses in mutual unconditional love (II Peter 1:1-8).
On the other hand the objective of His Adversary is control, and in the interests of his future totalitarian New World Order he is engaged in "human engineering" to establish and maintain elite dynasties subject to his power, a totally predictable and manipulable planned economy and mind-controlled serfdom. By public education, taxation, licensing and regulation he molds the minds and even the bodies (as He interbred the Negroes to make bigger, stronger slaves, and as he designs the female form by fashion, foundation garments, cosmetics, high heel shoes, and so-on); social mores, cultural practices and religious beliefs are arbitrarily manipulated to develop his ideal race of automatons, useful idiots who reflect the unisense experience of Big Brother's "telescreen" with no will or thought of their own.
The Lord gathers His human "potential energy" by revelation: "My sheep receive My Word, a stranger they will not follow." Lucifer conscripts his "human resources" by seduction, flattery and force, extracting their kinetic energy to facilitate his often hidden agenda. His more obvious means of harvesting "free energy" include the call to war, philosophical "isms" such as Fascism, Communism, Zionism, Nazism, Capitalism, humanism, feminism, environmentalism, multiculturalism, "free trade," protectionism, pacifism, rival political parties and religion of every description—all tools of the same 'hidden hand' working to realize world hegemony for Lucifer's one world government. Among the fanatical and evil minority, good people volunteer their time and means in selfless sincerity to the cause, innocently unaware their dedication is breathing life into the thesis or antithesis of a planned, controlled conflict whose synthesis is inimical to both protagonists.
"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of" (Sigmund Freud, Propaganda).
The Illuminati regard "goyim who will not use their intelligence as no better than animals who do not have intelligence. Such people are beasts of burden and steaks on the table by choice and consent." Lucifer, who is "the sum of wisdom and beauty," knowledgeable and highly intelligent but without faith, wants to illumine your mind with Darkness and control you arbitrarily by head knowledge which "is foolishness to God" who wants to rule your head from your heart by His Divine Light. God placed everyone on the basis of free moral agency and endowed the descendents of Shem, Ham and Japheth with diverse natures, cultures and priorities. What seems intelligent to Japheth may be inconsequential to Shem, and what concerns Ham may be not interest Japheth, yet each has his sovereign place, homeland and part in God's flower garden. Cainites and reprobates concerning the faith are weeds that proliferate to overthrow the seed of His planting. Their father does not tolerate freedom of thought and expression but requires "police state" conformity to his will, and has your Church entrapped in a juridical system franchised to the British Assessment Registry (BAR) of Rothschild's London Lawyers' Guild. We have been arraigned by a 'front' organization for Rothschild's Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B'nai B'rith (who were behind the rescission of selective immigration laws that were the envy of the world). No one who obeys Moses or serves the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob would entice a nation to miscegenation under the euphemism of "multiculturalism," which is the global repetition of original sin "as it was in the days of Noah" prophesied by Jesus Messiah in Matthew 24:37. God cannot bless what He has cursed. Rescission of the Act was the thesis that ensnared the energy of antagonists and protagonists devoid of a knowledge of the truth but led by emotional reflex to inflict national genocide. We have been charged under the antithesis of racial hatred laws that were devised by Rothschild's ADL to gender hatred as an inflamed, incurable wound, and the synthesis of a mixed multitude of "human cattle" divided into Bantustans living in mutual dislike, dominated and liable to be culled by aliens who have taken control of the nation's material wealth.
If you can see how the principles of physics have been applied to human society in this perverse way you will realize that the "squeeze" will not simply "happen": like Pearl Harbour, 9/11 and the upcoming invasion of Iran it will be the product of meticulous, long term planning. "We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order" (David Rockefeller). The sinking of Los Angeles and much of California, the 'hot stage' of World War III, and a successful Russian invasion of mainland United States will be the unplanned answer to Mr. Rockefeller's need. This will mark the close of the Gentile dispensation followed by the "squeeze." Courts and lawyers in most countries are bondservants to the BAR rather than their clients and an adverse decision in our matter may be employed to establish "case law" that will bind YOU in YOUR country. That is the objective. Please lift this matter before the Lord in prayer. Our next hearings in the Federal Court will be on November 20 and 21.
Jesus said, "the love of money is the root of all evil." Lucifer has tempted characterless, narcissistic men who have no understanding of God's unchanging Word with the lust of the eye, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life. Recognizing the unfair advantage to be had over homeland competitors by importing cheap labour they are driving the race to equality with the third world and global serfdom. "The wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. As it is written in Job 5:13, God uses the shrewd man's own cunningness to trap him; he stumbles over his own craftiness and falls. And in Psalm 94:11: The Lord knows the reasonings of the wise, how futile they are" (I Corinthians 3:19-20). This is how Lucifer gathers potential energy and converts it into kinetic energy with which he makes demons of men's souls and destroys the earth. As "the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now works in the children of disobedience," he spins fiat money out of thin air by means of the Babylonian fractional reserve banking system which is a perversion of the same laws of physics. His Federal Reserve has enslaved US citizens who are its guarantors. The nations in the so-called Axis of evil are "evil" principally because their central banks are independent of Rothschild.
Lucifer is religious and seeks to be worshipped as God. What the world and most believers in the circle of this Message see as their "church" is not immune to his wiles, and like the Hebrew church the Gentile churches end in apostasy (Isaiah 14; Romans 1:32; II Thessalonians 2; Revelation 3:17-20; 13:1-10; 17; 18). Message churches are becoming increasingly Judaised because of false brethren who have entered surreptitiously to bring us under bondage: had they been tried they would have been found liars. Many sincerely mimic the Prophet and quote the "letter" of his Words without the "Spirit" to reveal what he meant. Is your potential energy being gathered by God or by His adversary?
How many prefer a Scofield Bible simply because this is what Brother Branham generally used? Here is a medley of quotes: "I got a little old Scofield Bible that was given me [by Brother Kidson] several years ago, I'm used to the Scofield Bible, its markings." This is how he came to own and why he continued to use a Scofield Bible. "I don't read the Scofield notes now, because I don't agree with Scofield on many of his theories, (I'm not a Scofieldite). If I'd have had the Thompson Chain, it would have been much better. I could've found my text much faster on a Thompson Chain Reference."
Scofield was not a Christian but a paid operative of Mr. Rothschild's Zionist colleague Oppenheimer; notes in successive editions, even after his death, misinterpret the Scriptures and lead the unwary from the path of true righteousness to a Zionist perspective. God gave liberty to every man to think and express himself freely. Satan stole that liberty; Christ restored it "more abundantly" and Lucifer is stealing it back from those who do not prove all things and receive the mind of Christ, leading into a terminal energy crisis.
We must prove all things, and we must think. We substantiate everything we teach because our Message is directed toward an elect people who will "prove all things . . . to make their calling and election sure." Our oppressors have published unsustainable misstatements that defame and ridicule, and made egregious claims on the basis of systematically misrepresented evidence, confident their media, education, entertainment and religion have conditioned the public mind to regard the myths of propaganda as sacrosanct so that truth is no defence. Even judges have surrendered impartiality for the untested and fraudulent opinions of urban myth. There is indeed an "energy crisis" — not for oil, but for hearing the Words of God (Amos 8:11).
If you squander your God-given "free energy" you will experience an "energy crisis." We each have gifts; your gifts will find their place in this world and in the Body of Christ. Recognize your gifts, appreciate their worth and conduct yourself wisely toward those who are without, redeeming the time because the days are evil, "For the children of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own kind than the children of Light" (Luke 16:8). A classic example of this is Judaeo-Masonry, which is a form of witchcraft and the public face of the Illuminati's world revolutionary movement that is working toward Lucifer's totalitarian one world government. Upon being passed from the Entered Apprentice Degree the Fellowcraft Mason is admonished to study the "hidden mysteries of nature and science" and this is what we have been studying from the Scriptural standpoint employing natural and physical types, observing how Lucifer perverts these laws to impersonate the work of God. "In the days of the Voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God [spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets since the world began] should be finished" (Revelation 10:7; Acts 3:21). nl499.htm
Homework: Please read Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars.
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Brother Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations in other countries. He pastors Bible Believers' tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.
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