Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Dry Bones: Ezekiel Chapter 37 - Part I

Bible Believers' Newsletter 736

"We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . ."
ISSN 1442-8660

Christian greetings to all of our subscribers and readers in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

In this issue we have devoted more space to News than to our main Article. The stories focus upon Mr. Obama, Dunham, Soetoro, Davis or whoever this Jewish President of the USSA really is, and his role in deconstructing human civilization and God's creation. This son of Cain must be frontrunner for a Benedict Arnold Medal yet he is merely a mask for the faceless men of the 'City of London' as the pope is a mask for the faceless men behind the Vatican. Jesus Christ warned the world, Paul warned the Church, and Presidents Washington and Franklin warned the American people.

The Babylonian Talmud and The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion pull no punches: tractate Yebamoth 98a says, among other abominable things, "All Gentile children are animals. Tractates Kiddushin 66c and Soferim 15, Rule 10 quote Rabbi Simon ben Yohai: Tob shebe goyyim harog—"Even the best of the Gentiles should all be killed" (Jewish Encyclopedia, "Gentiles"; also Mechilta, Beshalach 2). Jewish Author Maurice Samuels admitted: "We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own" (You Gentiles, by, p. 155). Samuel Roth stated: "Our major vice of old as of today is parasitism. We are a people of vultures living on the labor and good fortune of the rest of the world" (Jews Must Live, p. 18).

Greater IsraelMoses instructed the children of Israel: "When the Most High divided to the nations all their inheritance [determined in Genesis 10], when He separated the sons of Adam from Cain's children [after the Flood (Genesis 10:1, 32; 11; Acts 17:26) as described in Genesis 9:25-29], He set the bounds of the nations with reference to the number of the children of Israel [that they should possess a land corresponding to its population, commanding them NOT to encroach upon the land of other nations as the non-Israelite so-called Jews aspire to in a Greater Israel, and the Talmud in global hegemony]" (Deuteronomy 32:8).

It is by plan rather than accident that today's world suffers under so-called "political correctness," which is a hypocritical means of psychological control, and the divisive racial, cultural and religious friction of multiculturalism imposed by those who despise the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Jesus Messiah prophesied the besetting sins at the close of grace would be miscegenation and violence "as in the days of Noah," and Sodomy "as it was in the days of Lot" (Matthew 24:37; Luke 17:28-3). These sins brought the downfall of Imperial Rome so it is fitting that they should doom Papal Rome and its beastly image.

"Most journalists are so brain-dead themselves, so lacking in understanding of what they are part of, that they, like most of the population, play a part in advancing an agenda they do not even know exists" (Uncensored Magazine, September-December 2009, p. 3). This was acted out by participants in a WHAS11 TV News "investigation" into Branham Tabernacle, a Pentecostal Church in Jeffersonville, the privately-owned publisher Voice of God Recordings, and a disgruntled faceless man, confirming the statement by Uncensored Magazine, and the prophesies of Jesus and Paul declaring that like Israel, Christendom will end in apostasy (Revelation 3:17-20; Romans 11:32; I Thessalonians 2). We report this "much ado about nothing" as it was presented.

In our main Article this week we commence an exposition of the "dry bones" of Ezekiel 37 as it applies to Christ's Bride, and to 144,000 elect Israelites, revealing that God's Word demands a total separation from unbelief and that the Israelites have not returned to the land of the Covenant since 1948.

This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.

Your brother-in-Christ, Anthony Grigor-Scott

Obama's Homosexual America

Jewish President Obama wears the painted halo of a homosexual. Looking away in disgust, God's Prophet William Branham is under the Shekinah of the Presence of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob—"the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord" (Ezekiel 1:27) who led the children of Israel through the wilderness and appeared to Moses on Sinai.

obama with homosexual haloWilliam Branham with Shekinah May 10, 2012 — President Obama has made it official: He now supports same-sex marriage. It is his latest onslaught on traditional America. . . Facing re-election and under growing pressure from liberal interest groups, especially the powerful homosexual lobby, he finally capitulated. His decision was not based on principle, but cynical politics. Mr. Obama needs the gay and lesbian vote to win in November. Immediately upon his announcement Wednesday, Hollywood donors opened their checkbooks. Millions were pumped into the Obama campaign coffers; the liberal base has been energized, and the cultural left is hailing him as the Martin Luther King of our time. . .

Same-sex marriage is opposed by most Americans. On Tuesday, North Carolina became the 31st state to vote for a constitutional amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman. . . Marriage solidifies the bonds between a man and a woman, laying the foundation for raising children in stable families. It is the glue that binds a functioning, viable social order. Marriage is the natural unit that enables society to perpetuate itself from one generation to the next. This is not hate; it's common sense.

It is why, for example, the drive to ban same-sex marriage in North Carolina was led by black pastors and churches. It also is why the black and Hispanic vote was pivotal to passing California's Proposition 8, which also upholds traditional marriage. Blacks and Hispanics—although key Democratic voting blocs—tend to be deeply Christian and socially conservative. Mr. Obama has put himself on a collision course with large segments of his base. . . Yet the same-sex-marriage issue is more important than simple politics. It is about the future of America's civilization. . .
Full story:

Comment: Jewish President Obama, who is allegedly camp as a row of tent pegs, is fulfilling Luke 17:28-30: just one more election, and America's destiny will be that of Sodom and the cities on the plain. Shame, Amerika, shame!

Pakistani Intelligence Official discusses the Abbottabad Raid

wrecked SEALs helicopter at AbbottabadMay 3, 2012 — Terminal X Director and Chief Intelligence Analyst Zaki Khalid conducted a one-on-one private discussion with a senior Pakistani intelligence official whose identity is being kept anonymous. Questions and queries focused on the incidents related to the US Navy SEAL raid on Abbottabad last year and the recent developments. The views expressed by the official may not necessarily reflect those of Pakistan's intelligence directorate.

ZK: The White House on May 2, 2011 held an emergency press conference in which it was announced that Osama bin Laden was gunned-down at a compound in Abbottabad right near Pakistan Military Academy. How far is this claim true?

Official: Not the least bit. Why would they 're-kill' a man who already passed away years ago.

ZK: So you are saying that Osama was not present in the compound, is that right?

Official: Yes, that is correct.

ZK: Then who did the SEALs kill?

Official: I will not comment on that. Osama was not present in the compound and that is a sufficient answer to your question.

ZK: Where were Pakistan's jets during the whole aerospace intrusion? Air Headquarters Islamabad has declined to comment on our questions. Would you care to share some news?

Official: They were vigilant as ever.

ZK: Did Pakistani officials gun down one of the Sikorsky choppers?

Official: Yes they did.

ZK: Then surely there must have been some dead bodies from their side as well?

Official: Yes there were. The exact figures cannot be disclosed. More than a dozen is what I can reveal for now.

ZK: Right. Strangely, a few weeks after this incident, other Navy SEALs who took part in this raid got killed in a mysterious crash. Do you see something here?

Official: What can I say? They might have been 'sacrificed'.

ZK: Notable American officials including Dr. Steve Pieczenik, who was former advisor to Henry Kissinger and Cyrus Vance, has declared in an interview that a General in Paul Wolfowitz' squad revealed to him years ago that OBL was dead long ago and that his body "was kept on ice to be revealed later on." Do you agree with his assessment?

Official: To be honest, I have not yet heard or seen such an interview. Our archives record that Osama was last met by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed at Tora Bora after which we at least, on our part, did not notice his movements. We also strongly feel he was killed by KSM himself.

ZK: And why would he do such a thing?

Official: KSM is a CIA asset.

ZK: America's Most Wanted is their own asset?

Official: Yes he is. Why are you surprised? Much happens in the intelligence tradecraft. What is apparent can be an illusion and what seems farfetched can turn out to be precise. The real OBL was a very weak man in his later years, medical problems. He required regular dialysis. What if I tell you there were many copies of Osama that were manufactured?

ZK: Sounds very science-fictionistic. We were told this really was the case by another source of ours.

Official: That was the case.

ZK: Do you really believe it is easy to deceive the whole world into believing a lie?

Official: Tell you what, I challenge any court, be it in the US, to pass a verdict verifying claims made by officials at the American military-intelligence establishment. They have no tangible, forensic evidence at all that can prove OBL was killed in Abbottabad. He never came to Pakistan in the second millennium, that's news for you. The world's media, including ours, has its corporate interests to protect. Plus, what is announced on Western media giants is taken to be the Divine Truth.

ZK: We told this to our readers last year but your own DG ISPR Maj. Gen. Athar Abbas said in a National Geographic documentary that OBL was killed. Is this supposed to be incredible then?

Official: He said the right thing. We have a situation here and according to the strategies formulated by the military leadership post-Abbottabad, we had to stay precautious against any confrontational move that could isolate us in the global map.

ZK: What about the wives of Osama bin Laden? What was their role in all this?

Official: No comment.

ZK: What can you share about America's military agendas in light of recent geopolitical developments?

Official: US officials recently held strategic meetings in Islamabad in which they told Taliban spokespersons that they are willing to give them recognition to which the Afghan Taliban scorned and said it is us, not you, who get to decide your exit. We have no conditions, just pick up your bags and get out of here as soon as possible. The Obama Administration is doing all this to increase their vote bank as Presidential Elections are fast approaching. Obama wants to show the world that he held successful negotiations with the Taliban which India also supports. However, talks have failed.

Marc Grossman came to request re-opening of the NATO supply routes. He said that if Obama apologizes over the Salala attack, his votes will considerably decline. Those talks too, failed. Gen. Kayani promptly denied any such request and Grossman had to return in dismay.

ZK: So that means there is no re-opening of NATO supplies?

Official: That is correct. The Afghan Taliban attacked on US and Allied Force bases a few weeks ago to give them a message that signing a 'strategic partnership' with your own puppet regime at Kabul is, well, ironic. Worthless.

ZK: Can you summarize the Abbottabad raid in one line?

Official: Obama's publicity stunt.   Full story:

Comment: At the time of the Abbottabad raid Peter Eyre wrote that it was a fraud as Bin Laden had died years earlier.

"Inside the CIA: On Company Business" (1982)

The land of the free and the home of the brave is an illusion; the United States is still a British Colony and is now the perfidious image to the beast.

Alan Francovich is producer and director of "Inside the CIA: On Company Business," the most definitive film on the CIA. This acclaimed three-hour documentary took five years to make and required massive, world-wide research. The movie has won prizes at international film festivals and has been screened in over 30 countries. In an interview Francovich tells how the US government and the CIA have harassed and pressured him to restrict its distribution. He arranged to show the film to the Whitlam Labor government, Trades Union leaders and Party members: the CIA threatened the Labor Party that if they viewed the film and were reelected to government, the US may cease military co-operation with Australia. The CIA subsequently arranged for the sacking of the Whitlam government.

After you have watched this movie you will understand why Iran suspects Pastor Nadarkhani and other Christians as possible US or Zionist spies. The late Shah of Iran was a "front," puppet and mouthpiece for the CIA and permanently 'silenced.' The CIA and MOSSAD organized his infamous SAVAK secret police.

The movie reveals the manipulations of the "hidden hand" of the City of London whom the CIA serves at US taxpayer expense, US Presidential spokesmen condemning assassinations of presidents and CIA coups d'etat in many countries, torture, lying propaganda, installing dictators, front organizations, infiltration and manipulation of trades unions. etc.,.

The rank hypocrisy of the 'hidden hand' that rules the United States reveals the US is their puppet, the image to the beast, a killing machine to enforce predatory capitalism for the banksters and their big business based on inequality, injustice, exploitation, militarism, and imperial wars for monopoly, and ultimately, global hegemony. The US Military-Industrial-Academic complex with its black budgets and compartmentalization has been funded and employed to develop technology vastly more powerful than any nation—or all nations. The USSR or Cuba were NOT the instigators of many insurrections, coups d'etat, revolutions, civil wars, the following story confirms the alien-controlled media has manipulated the news to deceive citizens of the USA and the world. Click files to view movie: Part I
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Part II
Part 1/5
Part 2/5
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Part 5/5

Part III
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Comment: Consider CIA and US Department of Justice involvement with South American drug lords yesterday, and today!

The Story of Obama: All in the Company

September 7, 2010 — Wayne Madsen has discovered CIA files that document the agency's connections to institutions and individuals figuring prominently in the lives of Barack Obama and his mother, father, grandmother, and stepfather. The first part of his report highlights the connections between Barack Obama, Sr. and the CIA-sponsored operations in Kenya to counter rising Soviet and Chinese influence among student circles and beyond, to create conditions obstructing the emergence of independent African leaders.

President Obama's own work in 1983 for Business International Corporation, a CIA front that conducted seminars with the world's most powerful leaders and used journalists as agents abroad, dovetails with CIA espionage activities conducted by his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham in 1960s post-coup Indonesia on behalf of a number of CIA front operations, including the East-West Center at the University of Hawaii, the US Agency for International Development (USAID), and the Ford Foundation. Dunham met and married Lolo Soetoro, Obama's stepfather, at the East-West Center in 1965. Soetoro was recalled to Indonesia in 1965 to serve as a senior army officer and assist General Suharto and the CIA in the bloody overthrow of President Sukarno.

Barack Obama, Sr., who met Dunham in 1959 in a Russian language class at the University of Hawaii . . . was already married with an infant son and pregnant wife in Kenya, married Dunham on Maui on February 2, 1961 and was also the university's first African student. Dunham was three month's pregnant with Barack Obama, Jr. at the time . . .

The nexus of Obama's almae matres: Occidental, Columbia, and Harvard, as well as that of his parents, the University of Hawaii, in the CIA's mind control, behavioral modification, and mass hypnosis projects is deeply troubling. The fact that Obama has failed to provide a full accounting of his past academic and professional employment history, coupled with the presence of a major CIA presence within his and his parents', grandparents', and step-father's backgrounds opens up the real possibility that Obama was, to use the CIA's own term, "nurtured," for a higher calling. Obama told the nation that his would be the most open and transparent presidency in recent history. However, Obama's biography and those of his parents and guardians have more holes than a slice of Swiss cheese. It is well past time for the President to make good on that promise and fully release his past academic, passport, employment, and overseas travel records.

After eight brutal years of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, the nation was ready for any change. Unfortunately, the CIA, through LOOKING GLASS, MK-ULTRA, ARTICHOKE, PANDORA, and other behavioral science programs were ready to answer the call . . . with Obama and most of us bought him and his "Hope and Change" propaganda fecundity "nurtured" by CIA programs going back some sixty years. Full story:

Documents released in April by the British government . . . reveal that the President’s father, Barack Hussein Obama, Senior, was the target of an international investigation due to his ties to Kenyan terrorist groups in the 1950s such as the group responsible for the so-called Mao-Mao Uprising in Kenya. . . The documents describe events when Kenya was still a British colony and Obama Sr. was a Kenyan national who traveled to Hawaii for a college education, despite his political radicalism and poor academic record . . . Full story:

Comment: Now do you understand that the CIA is an organ of the 'City of London' working not for the United States but for Lucifer's totalitarian one world government.

Evidence surfaced during the US Congress' Reece Committee investigations into tax-exempt foundations during the 1950s that the 'hidden hand' has been planning for the eventual merger of the US and Russia, but not until a prolonged period of Cold War accomplished their objectives. Norman Dodd, Director of Research for the Committee, was at one point during the investigation invited to the headquarters of the Ford Foundation (a CIA front) by its president. H. Rowan Gaither, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

During this visit Gaither told Dodd: "All of us here at the policymaking level have had experience, either in OSS (Office of Strategic Services, now the CIA) or the European Economic Administration, with directives from the White House. We operate under those directives here. Would you like to know what those directives are?"

Dodd responded that he would, after which Gaither replied: "The substance of them is that we shall use our grant-making power so to alter life in the United States that we can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union."

Stunned, Dodd finally replied, "Why don't you tell the American people what you just told me and you could save the taxpayers thousands of dollars set aside for this investigation?" Gaither responded, "Mr. Dodd, we wouldn't think of doing that."

Within days of the Reece Committee's announcement of the purpose of the investigation and the identity of the organizations to be questioned, Norman Dodd was invited to dine privately at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington with Herman Edelsberg who was the Washington representative of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B'nai B'rith. Edelsberg told Dodd that the ADL was one of the most powerful organizations in America—becoming more powerful each year—and that the only thing it feared was bad publicity. Obviously, then, the ADL was not pleased about being investigated by the committee and had sent Edelsberg to find out who on the committee had decided to question the ADL. When he learned that it had been Dodd's decision, not the chairman's, Edelsberg asked, "How do we dispose of you" (biblebelievers)?

During talks in Seoul, South Korea on March 26, President Barack Obama was caught on microphone telling President Dmitry Medvedev that he would have more flexibility after November's election to deal with contentious issues such as missile defence. The exchange between the US and Russian presidents was picked up by microphone apparently without either leader knowing.

Obama said: "On all these issues, but particularly missile defence, this can be solved but it's important for him [Mr. Putin] to give me space."

Medvedev replied: "Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you . . ."

Obama responded: "This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility."

And Mr. Medvedev finishes: "I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir [Putin]."

Get the picture? Review The First Time I heard of Barack, and What the Muslim World can teach us about Nonviolence.

Will May 20 Mark an Irreversible Slide to Nuclear War?

May 11, 2012 — A two-day international conference on ballistic missile defense systems (BMDS), called by the Russian government, should serve as a wake-up call to those who have been denying the reality of the threat of thermonuclear war. The May 3-4 conference in Moscow was titled "The Factor of Anti-Missile Defense in Forming a New Security Zone." Before an audience of representatives of 50 nations, the top Russian military leadership reiterated the warning issued by Russian President Dmitri Medvedev on November 23, 2011: If NATO and the USA go ahead unilaterally with the deployment of anti-missile systems in Europe, which Russia has repeatedly identified as a threat to its strategic forces, Russia will have no choice but to consider a preemptive strike against the anti-missile installations.

US officials have stated that the May 20 NATO summit in Chicago will declare that an "interim operational capability" of the European BMDS is operational.

The Russians at the conference presented video animations, showing how the missile defense system represents a threat to no country other than Russia. The presentation depicted the reach of radars and interceptor missiles to be deployed as part of the shield, and demonstrated how they were largely irrelevant to missiles potentially launched from Iran, but would threaten Russia's ability to retaliate against a US/NATO attack.

NATO and the United States insist that they will go ahead with the anti-missile deployment; that they will not provide written guarantees that the system is not aimed at Russia; and that Russia should give President Obama leeway until after his (presumed) re-election, to negotiate an agreement with Russia. Having already received numerous assurances from the Obama Administration on the system that were not honoured—and clear indications of the Obama-British encirclement policy against Russia and China—the Russians have no reason to believe them, and no intention to go along with the NATO game. . . Full story:

Comment: The answer to the question is: yes, but NOT this year. If you are wondering how and why Russia will become involved in the attack upon Israel when the cleaving of the Mount of Olives demolishes the Dome of the Rock, igniting the 'hot stage' of World War III; you know now. Russia WILL invade, defeat and occupy mainland USA following the sinking of Los Angeles and much of the West Coast.

President's Father not Barack Obama

obama with upside-down telephoneApril 25, 2012 — With the release this July of Joel Gilbert's full-length documentary, "Dreams from My Real Father: A Story of Reds and Deception," the mystery deepens regarding who Obama really is. . . at least get the handset turned in the right direction!! If he listens through his mouth, does that mean he talks out his ear, as George II read books upside-down? Look at the flag. It must have been stuffed in a trash can or paper bag to be that wrinkled. And what is up with the person under the desk? The film provides the first cohesive understanding of Obama's deep-rooted life journey in socialism, from his childhood to his presidency" . . . Frank Marshall Davis, the radical poet and journalist who was a card-carrying member of the Communist Party USA, was the real, biological and ideological father of Barack Obama. . .

"I decided to investigate Frank Marshall Davis. His close physical resemblance to Obama was shocking, while Obama little resembled the Kenyan Obama," Gilbert said. "How could this be?" Gilbert launched into what became two years of research during which he conducted interviews and discovered rare film footage and photos."I unearthed two film archives of Frank Marshall Davis, one from 1973, the other from 1987, as well as Davis' photo collection," he explained. "I then acquired 500 copies of the Honolulu Record, the communist-run newspaper where Davis wrote a weekly political column for eight years. "Gilbert's research turned shocking when he obtained seven indecent photos of Ann Dunham, Obama's mother, at Frank Marshall Davis' house, suggesting an intimate connection between Dunham and Davis. . . Full story:

What has America become?

The following letter to the editor appeared on June 9, 2010, in the Iosco County News Herald, attributed to Mr. Ken Huber from Tawas City, Michigan. This is equally relevant two years later.

"Has America become the land of special interest and home of the double standard?

Lets see: if we lie to the Congress, it's a felony and if the Congress lies to us its just politics; if we dislike a black person, we're racist and if a black person dislikes whites, its their First Amendment right; the government spends millions to rehabilitate criminals and they do almost nothing for the victims; in public schools you can teach that homosexuality is OK, but you better not use the word God in the process; you can kill an unborn child, but it is wrong to execute a mass murderer; we don't burn books in America, we now rewrite them; we got rid of communist and socialist threats by renaming them progressive; we are unable to close our border with Mexico, but have no problem protecting the 38th parallel in Korea; if you protest against President Obama's policies you're a terrorist, but if you burned an American flag or George Bush in effigy it was your 1st Amendment right.

You can have pornography on TV or the internet, but you better not put a nativity scene in a public park during Christmas; we have eliminated all criminals in America, they are now called sick people; we can use a human fetus for medical research, but it is wrong to use an animal.

We take money from those who work hard for it and give it to those who don't want to work; we all support the Constitution, but only when it supports our political ideology; we still have freedom of speech, but only if we are being politically correct; parenting has been replaced with Ritalin and video games; the land of opportunity is now the land of hand outs; the similarity between Hurricane Katrina and the gulf oil spill is that neither president did anything to help.

And how do we handle a major crisis today? The government appoints a committee to determine who's at fault, then threatens them, passes a law, raises our taxes; tells us the problem is solved so they can get back to their reelection campaign. What has happened to the land of the free and home of the brave?                             Ken Huber Tawas City

Full story:

Rabin is suddenly back from the Dead

May 12, 2012 — Correspondent Barry Chamish writes: Yigal Amir did not actually kill former Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin, a former senior police investigator has claimed. In a new book, Michael Raz says Rabin was actually shot and killed in the back of his car. His driver was replaced one day before the assassination, Raz claims. Amir was framed . . . murdered by the Shabak (Israel Security Agency). "Yigal Amir, from a religious Yemenite family, was willing to take the rap for Rabin's murder in preference to being outed as a pedophile" . . . How did they know Amir was a pedophile? He had been a Mossad agent and possibly a Shabak agent as well. Israeli intelligence knew everything about what makes him tick.

[W]ho gave the order to murder? That takes you people 21 minutes to decide what to do? On the one hand, you knew Amir shot blanks which are "harmless." On the other hand, you imbeciles thought Rabin, now unconscious in the car, was dying. Since you geniuses videotaped the staged assassination attempt [blanks being shot in Rabin's back] and there were many witnesses, and you forcibly prevented Magen David Adom doctors who were in the ambulance 10 feet away from treating the "wounded" Rabin, how do you explain to the doctors in the emergency room at Ichilov Hospital (where you arrived twenty-two (22) minutes later) what Rabin died from? You can't say heart attack since you geniuses had witnesses and a videotape of Amir "shooting" Rabin point blank in his back. It's CATCH-22 time: you have no choice but to shoot Yitzchak Rabin IN THE CAR on the way to Ichilov. . .

At least you had the brains to do 3 things: a) steal the X-ray (which shows the shattered spine), b) forcibly prevent the doctor and paramedic standing at the ambulance at Kikar Malchei Yisrael 3 meters from where Rabin was "shot" from taking over and starting to "treat" the "wounded Rabin", and c) forcibly prevent a senior police officer from confiscating Amir's gun as evidence. The "gun" you returned a day later.

But you forgot to destroy the media tapes. Never have a live TV interview with the Minister of Health Dr. Sneh and Dr. Barbash the then head of Ichilov Hospital telling the entire world how Rabin had his spinal cord severed. They didn't know that you clowns had an "amateur photographer" taking "home videos" of the "assassination". . .

The Toxin so dangerous It's causing Catastrophic Birth Defects

May 13 2012 — GMO or genetically engineered seeds are being used to reduce the population. They claim "it's all in their heads." Then how to explain the huge spike in cancer, sterility, and terrible birth defects? Insider finds link to specific toxin causing DNA damage, cancer, neurotoxicity, birth defects, and more. How can you side-step this unmitigated disaster? Full story:

If you live in America, 70% of the processed foods you're already eating have genetically modified organisms.

Everything you HAVE TO KNOW about Dangerous Genetically Modified Foods (

• Thousands of sheep, buffalo, and goats in India died after grazing on Bt cotton plants.
• Mice eating GM corn for the long term had fewer, and smaller, babies.
• More than half the babies of mother rats fed GM soy died within three weeks, and were smaller (responsibletechnology).

The Strange World of Humanitarian Awards

May 7, 2012 — Humanitarian Awards are surely taking on a whole new meaning. The end of April brought the obscenity of the announcement that Madeleine Albright, a woman prepared to sacrifice children by proxy was to be awarded America's highest honour, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, for her role as a long time champion of democracy and human rights all over the world.

In the same twenty four hours, an announcement was made that Britain's Prince Harry is to receive a special award for his "humanitarian work" [as is Prince William] . . , such peerless war mongers as Henry Kissinger, Donald Rumsfeld, General Colin Powell . . . Tony Blair . . . Dick Cheney . . . Shimon Perez and General Norman "No one left to kill" Schartzkopf . . . William Jefferson Clinton; President George W. "Crusader" Bush . . . Ban Ki-Moon . . .

Sponsors of this peaceful and freedom loving establishment run in to several pages but include the US Departments of the Air Force, Navy, Defence and Energy, and Los Alamos National Laboratory which brought the world the atomic bombs, dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. In the October of that year the Laboratory received the "Army-Navy "E" Award" for "excellence in production" . . . the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory whose development . . . brought the world the Polaris nuclear armed submarine. NATO and Lockheed Martin are on the roll of honour, as are Raytheon and SAIC . . . General Dynamics . . . Boeing, Dow Chemical, The Atlantic Council . . . Full story:

Volkswagen showcases Zero-Emission Hover Car

VW hover carMay 9 2012 — Volkswagen has unveiled a prototype "Hover Car," developed with input from the Chinese public. The vehicle, which resembles a large glass yo-yo is currently on display at the Auto China 2012 show in Beijing. The German firm's People's Car Project invited ordinary Chinese citizens to submit their ideas and designs for innovative new vehicles last June. "The creative ideas from the "People's Car Project" give us a valuable insight into the wishes of Chinese drivers," Volkswagen China's head of design Simon Loasby said. "The trend is towards safe cars that can easily navigate overcrowded roads and have a personal, emotional and exciting design." With the help of Volkswagen's engineers three of the dream concepts have been realized with the "Hover Car" the standout for its space age design and environmental credentials.

The two-seater vehicle uses an electro-magnetic field to levitate above the ground and employs distance sensors to prevent collisions with other cars. A joystick controls the vehicle's movement and it can even spin on its axis. Importantly, the "Hover Car" does not produce emissions as it does not burn fuel.

Volkswagen also developed a "Music Car" which uses Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) to change the colour of the vehicle's exterior depending on the music being blasted inside.

The final innovation developed in tandem with Chinese netizens is the "Smart Key," a 9mm key which uses a touchscreen interface to "keep the driver up to date on the fuel situation, climate conditions and the car's security via the 3G network". Full story:

Former Member of Controversial Branham Tabernacle Speaks Out

Jeffersonville, May 14, 2012 — WHAS11 News is looking into a religious movement that has roots in Kentuckiana. It has millions of followers, yet you may have never heard of it. It is called Branham Tabernacle and every year, hundreds of people make a pilgrimage to Eastern Cemetery in Jeffersonville, Ind. to visit William Branham's grave. "I've been watching them for 25 years over there," said Dallas Jenkins, who lives beside Eastern Cemetery. "I see license plates from everywhere," Jenkins added, "Oregon, Canada, Florida, Texas, California."

Branham first catapulted into fame before there was television. He died in 1965, but his followers continue spreading his Message throughout the world. "William Branham was a prophet of God and it's wonderful to visit the place he actually was," said David Forsberg, who brought his family from Norway to visit the cemetery. Branham's former colleague, Willard Collins, is now the minister at Branham Tabernacle. He spent years following Branham's ministry and describes Branham as "the most remarkable man I ever met. His whole ministry was a phenomenon," said Collins. "He would minister the Word like you never heard it."

A former Branham Tabernacle member spoke to WHAS11. He does not want to be identified. We will call him 'Mike'.

"He was to be the father of the charismatic ministry," said Mike. Traveling from city to city, Branham professed to use the power of God to heal. And quickly the message went worldwide.

"He was all over the world seven times," said Collins.

A mysterious photo appeared in which Branham had a halo and he began offering predictions in more than 1,100 recorded sermons, which eventually became Voice of God Recordings. "He raised himself into this platform that is almost, if not, equal to Jesus Christ," Mike added. Then in 1960, Branham predicted the end of the world. "We have exactly, listen, 17 years left," Branham said in the sermon.

"Anything that he predicted either already came to pass, we watched a lot of it unfold, or it's in the making now," said Collins. Branham predicted he would be alive to see the return of Jesus Christ, but he died on Christmas Eve 1965.

"They held his body from the grave from December, when he died, all the way into Easter, hoping he would rise back from the dead," said Mike.

"Over there is an empty grave, like in Jerusalem, for us," said Forsberg, pointing to Branham's grave, which he visited Easter Sunday. Nearly half a century after Branham's death, the movement is growing by leaps and bounds, as more than 6,500 volunteer ministers spread the word in dozens of countries, reaching an estimated 2,000,000 believers. So why have so few people around here heard of it?

"It's almost behind closed doors. You invite somebody over to your house. You say 'Did you know there was a prophet?' You hand them this prophet's material," said Mike.

Mike says many of the recordings are controversial, expressing Branham's view of women. "Every sin that ever was on the earth was caused by a woman," Branham preached in one sermon. Branham compares women who wear makeup to Jezebel. "If you see a woman wearing that, you can say 'How do you do, Miss Dog Meat?' That's exactly what God called her. He fed her to the dogs," Branham said. And he had this to say about Catholics, Baptists and Presbyterians. "Denominationalism is absolutely, I prove it by the Bible, is the mark of the beast," Branham preached.

"All through high school, I never made friends because all the people had the mark of the beast," Mike said.

Mike says questions about Branham's teachings led to depression. "I was struggling just to live from day to day. I laid in bed and cried most of the day," he said. "I was actually publicly shunned from the pulpit from the pastor of this church."

But Mike's membership has been replaced many times over. Voice of God Recordings operates out of a multimillion dollar building near Charlestown, IN. Tax returns say the organization has assets of nearly $110 Million.

"People just love this message," said Collins.

Recordings, DVDs, children's books and even a replica of Branham's briefcase leave southern Indiana by the truckload, bound, mostly for developing countries.

"It's basically toys of Brother Branham's possessions that they're trying to sell and make money whenever there's ministers out in the field who don't even have shoes on their feet," said Mike.

Brother Willard Collins says the ministry is nothing more than spreading the good word. "It's not centered on Brother Branham. It's centered on Jesus Christ," Collins said. "He was just the messenger. He never took any credit for anything." Collins says he believes that Branham will rise from the grave, just as he believes all true believers will, about a month before Jesus' return to earth. Which he believes signs show will likely be very soon. Full story:

Comment: There is not a revelation between the sceptics and the religious fanatics—poor misguided individuals—and not much integrity to the "investigation" which introduces the website which reproves God and reviles His prophet (Psalm 105:15; Isaiah 8:20; I Timothy 5:1).

Dry Bones: Ezekiel Chapter 37 – Part I

Ezekiel 37:1-14, "The hand of the Lord was upon me, and by His Spirit He brought me out and set me down in a valley which was full of bones. He led me around among them, there were very many on the ground; and they were very dry. And He said to me, Son of man, can these bones live? I answered, O Lord God, You know. Again He said, Prophesy over these bones, and say to them, O dry bones, hear the Word of the Lord. Say THUS SAITH THE LORD GOD to these bones; Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live: and I will lay sinews upon you, and clothe you with flesh, and cover you with skin, put breath in you, and you shall live; and you shall know that I am the Lord."

"So I prophesied as I was commanded: and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and a shaking [an earthquake], and the bones came together, bone to its associated bone. And as I watched, the muscles and flesh formed upon them, and skin covered them: but there was no breath in them. Then He told me, Prophesy to the wind, prophesy, son of man, and say to the wind, THUS SAITH THE LORD GOD; Come from the four winds [war and strife
(Revelation 7:1-3)], O spirit [of mortal life] and breathe upon these slain, that they may live. So I prophesied as He commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived, and stood upon their feet, an exceeding great host."

"Then He told me, Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel: behold, they say, Our bones are dried-out, and our hope is lost: we are cut off for our possession [the land of the Covenant]. Therefore prophesy and say to them, THUS SAITH THE LORD GOD; My people, I will open your graves, and raise you from your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel. And you shall know that I am the Lord, when I have opened your graves, O My people, and I will bring you home to the land of Israel. And shall put My Spirit within you, and you shall live, and I shall place you in your own land: then will you know that I the Lord have spoken, and have done it, says the Lord".

The dry bones are a metaphor for the twelve tribes descended from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. These are not so-called Jews—barely any Jew is an Israelite. If you have obeyed the admonition of "those noble Bereans and received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the Scriptures daily, whether those things were so" you will know that Jews are not a race, Jesus was not a Jew, and according to the History of God's Holy Bible the word "JEW" is not found in any Bible prior to the latter half of the eighteenth century; this modern word subverts the meanings of the two words it has replaced.

The corruption of language is crucial to the making and defending of bad, oppressive politics and false religion; it causes confusion and uncertainty whereas God's Word is unchanging, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever, and faith is Absolute—hidden in humility and revealed in simplicity. As a word is a thought expressed faith and freedom are dependent upon communicators keeping their word-mirrors clean, and in an age of sophisticated media manipulation this is more vital than ever thus God's communication with the seventh angel William Branham was in vision and inspired Word through the fourth dimension we call the air. Since Satan is the prince of the power of the air God's infallible THUS SAITH THE LORD was essential for us to meet Jesus in the "air" by faith. Ezekiel 37:1 and 15 show that His communication with the Hebrew witnesses of Zechariah 4 and Revelation 11 will likewise be by vision and inspired Word revealing the Seven Trumpet mysteries to gather Israel to the land of the Covenant in Daniel's Seventieth Week and bring the nation to new birth in one day, for nothing can be added to or taken from the pure Word of God.

The denominational world is under the strong delusion the Israelites recovered and returned to the Promised Land in 1948, but this is unscriptural. Ezekiel 37 and numerous Scriptures we so often recite confirm the historic fact that the land was treacherously stolen from Semitic Arabs and the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and given to Jews who are inevitably non-Semitic with no history in the Middle East, "and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world" (Ephesians 2:12).

Brother Branham identified Ezekiel 37 with Hosea 6:1-3 which is yet future. "Now, Hosea said in 6:1, "Return to the Lord." Remember, he said that they would be scattered, and they were. He said, "They'll return to the Lord after they'd been scattered, and He will bind them up." Notice. "Return . . . Be scattered." The second. . . "They were torn and was blinded." That's just exactly what happened. "He will heal us and bind us up".

Like Ezekiel 37, "The dry bones, the valley full of dry bones." Ezekiel saw it, their return again.

Then notice, Hosea said, "After two days! After two days He would return to them. He will receive us and give us, revive us." Now, revive doesn't mean "resurrection." Revive there is the same word used anywhere else, I looked it up, means "a revival." "He will revive us after two days." That would be "in the third day He will revive us again after He's scattered us, and blinded us, and tore us" (Recognizing Your Day and Its Message, p. 11:54).

Hosea spoke those words in about 780BC. "One day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day" (II Peter 3:8) so we are well into the third day: 780 + 2012 = 2792. For the sake of His elect God "shortened the days" (Matthew 24:22) by the revelation of the Seven Seals in 1963 that restored the apostolic faith and finished the mystery of God that we might grow to maturity in the unity of the faith for the manifestation of the Sons of God and the translation (Joel 2:25; Malachi 4:5-6; Matthew 17:11; 25:6; Revelation 18:4 Ephesians 4:13; Romans 8:19). Having found favour in His sight and united with Him in invisible union He will take us Home before the great tribulation and the REAL holocaust of Jewry's Samson Option and the nuclear consummation of life. How late is the hour?

Commenting on Ezekiel 37, the Prophet said the Israelites are "dry bones" because they would not receive the Word when it was sent to them (The Falling Apart of the World, #10:6, p. 23:98). If we hope to make our calling and election sure we must purge our minds of "Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth. To the pure in heart all things are pure [sincere; genuine; blameless, innocent; unstained with the guilt of anything—and free from corrupt desire, from sin and guilt and from every admixture of what is false]: but to those contaminated [by hybrid religion] and unbelief nothing is pure; even their mind and conscience are polluted. They profess to know God; but by their actions they deny Him; being detestable, disobedient and unfit for any good deed" (Titus 1:14-16).

If we are going to exercise the 'third pull' we must be one with the Word so that our lives are written epistles of the Word for our day displaying the Token of the Life of Christ till people recognize we "have been with Jesus." The Prophet taught this by typing the Protestant revival from the false creeds and man-made traditions of Judaeo-Roman Catholicism to the present restoration, with the soon-coming resurrection of Israel's dry bones:

"And then the Word moves on down into the Body from the Head. What is it? This same Word. Nothing can be added or taken from It. So that same Word moves from the Head as the day comes close, down into the Body, down into the Body vindicating that they are One. They're Husband and Wife. They're flesh of His flesh, Word of His Word, Life of His Life, Spirit of His Spirit. See? Amen. How do you know it? Bears the same record, same fruit, same Word (See?), manifests Christ: same Life, same God, same Spirit, same Word, same Book (Amen!), same signs, "Things that I do shall you also." Oh hallelujah. My. . .

Notice the vindicated Word in His Body is His very victory and the reason of His death. See, the death, not in the Spirit. When He died, He only died in the flesh; His Spirit went to hell and preached to the souls in prison. Is that right? His flesh only died, then He raised it up again and quickened it ("quicken," means "made alive"), His flesh, which was His Body" (and that's the Word). It's been laying dead for years, but It gradually begin to come in the reformation, and now She's standing up on Her feet.

Oh, how I wish I had time to go back into Ezekiel and pull out them dry bones and show you! He said, "Can these bones live again?"

He said, "Prophesy!"

How can prophecy come? Only through the prophet. It's the Word of the Lord. "Hear ye, dry bones, the Word of the Lord." And sinews, skin come upon them, and they stood up a mighty army, and they begin to march towards Zion. Glory to God. That's Him; that's Him—the victory.

              The ransomed of the Lord shall come to Zion then with joy.
              All His holy Mountains, nothing hurt or shall destroy.

He proves His resurrection Life then as He a-vindicates Himself. She, the Bride, is independent from all others. She's a independent woman, a great speckled bird that's different from all others. You remember the Bible on that: the great speckled bird, but she had His Name. She had His Life, for the. . .

How did they speckle the bird? They were both white, and then they pulled the head off of one bird and drained the blood out upon the other bird. And the other bird was speckled with the red blood, and it flopped its wings like this, and the blood cried, "Holy, holy, holy" as it bathed the ground.

So Christ, the dead Mate, put His Blood (His Blood from His Life) into us, carrying His Blood crying, "Holy, holy, holy unto the Lord." It's an odd looking bird. Sure it is. But She, the Bride is identified by Him, and She's independent from all others, "Keep thee only unto her as long as you both live." Keep thee only to Him, the Word: no adultery, not one sign of denomination, not one sign of creed, no adultery at all, the Word and Him alone.

"On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other grounds is sinking sands," said Eddie Perronet.

That's in Christ, the Word. He was the Word; He is the Word. And the Church becomes Word by Him making Her a part of Him, and that's the Word again. Personally identified by Him, His property alone, His property alone: She is redeemed by Him, through Him, for Him and for Him alone. That's right. Then, what the Devil is howling about, there it's being revealed.

We're in a dangerous time. Remember, the Scripture says when these things begin to happen, "time is no more" [Revelation 10:6; i.e. there is no more delay for intercession, the threefold PROCESS of the 'rapture' explained by Paul has commenced, and] she's fading away. When we see the manifestation.

"Earthquakes." You see them thousand killed the other day? "Earthquakes in divers places."

Said, "Fearful sights in the skies, pillars of fire," like, floating around like flying saucers. They don't know what it is. See? They don't have any idea.

Did you notice the Angels that come down, investigated Sodom before Sodom was destroyed? You remember that? There was a bunch of them come down: three of them. One of them stayed with Abraham. You remember that? They were Lights from heaven that came down in the investigating judgment. Ones. . .

Look where they're all found. Around the Pentagon and things they find them. That's the world judgment, Sodom. And there's One represented, will be represented amongst the Church—would be Christ Himself a-vindicating Himself. See? "Sights in heavens above and signs in the earth below. Certainly."

Identified! Oh, the Devil is howling about this: the manifested Truth of the promise of the Word in Her alone. . .

They don't have the answer. When Jesus come, why didn't those Pharisees? He said, "If I cast out devils by the finger of God, who do you cast them out by?" He stood alone.

And His Church stands alone. She's not hooked with nothing. But He was identified by God, being the body that God dwelled in, and the Church is identified by His Body doing the same thing. She is His Body, the manifested Truth of His promised Word for the last days. And She, and She alone stands by it. That's why the Devil is howling, these great organizations set up something to close her up. They'll never do it. She'll be taken up, not closed up. She is now risen and by the power of the vindicated Word promised to Her. Amen!

How a bride holds that promise. "He told me He'd return after me. I believe it." See? Yes, sir. To meet Her Headship, Her Redeemer, Her Husband, Her King, Her Lord, Her Lover, Her Saviour in the provided meeting place!

He's got a place to meet them. You know the Bridegroom don't leave out nothing. He's got the ring, the identification. He's got the robe that She wears, Her clothing. See? And He's got the provided place to meet Her; that's in the air. [The heavenly sanctuary will be cleansed fifty days beforehand when Satan is cast down to earth]. Everything has been all provided. He's got the wedding supper already set, guests already invited, already chosen. All the Angels are standing around His servants at attention. Oh. . ." (Christ is the Mystery of God Revealed, p. 78:595 – 613).

Notice Brother Branham referred to Genesis 18, Joel 2:30, Luke 21:26; 17:28-30, and Acts 2:19: "Fearful sights in the skies, pillars of fire," like, floating around like flying saucers. They don't know what it is. See? They don't have any idea".

"Did you notice the Angels that come down, investigated Sodom . . . They were Lights from heaven that came down in the investigating judgment. Look where they're all found. Around the Pentagon and things they find them. That's the world judgment, Sodom." Sights in heavens above and signs in the earth below".

The three earthly angels who visited in our day were Billy Graham and Oral Roberts who ministered a basic salvation Message to the church in Sodom, and Brother Branham who prophesied to Abraham's separated and called-out group "as it was in the days of Lot" (Luke 17:28-30; Genesis 18). A prophet is a sign of impending judgment (Amos 3:7).

Brother Branham said, "We know its investigating judgment Angels (You see?), and they. . . How that the Pentagon, all about how it comes right down to the intelligence; how they go like a flash and be gone; pull away from anything they got [such as a fighter plane]. See, and they don't realize what it is. See? Let them think whatever they want to. They call them flying saucers or whatever; they don't know. See" (And Knoweth it Not, p. 34:369)?

In a number of sermons the Prophet mentioned flying saucers and sights in the heavens above. Germany flew a number of them toward the close of World War II. They are made by the Military-Industrial-Academic Complex for the 'hidden hand' as stated in Newsletter 735 and not extraterrestrial. In the Hegelian dialectic the 'hidden hand' controls both thesis and antithesis, and brings them together in controlled conflict to produce their secret pre-planned synthesis, employing the free energy of the protagonists, as well as their national treasure and blood as a means to achieve a secret objective which were it disclosed the public would find abhorrent.

The 'City of London' controls the US, UK, Australia and most governments. In order to keep their machinery running on national finances and energy they generate fear through the media, lawmakers, statutes, the entertainment industry and selected presidents and prime ministers, dictators, bureaucrats and judges they control by graft; think tanks, academia, professional associations, experts and opinion-makers; natural disasters such as floods, droughts, famines, heat waves, cyclones, tsunamis and earthquakes; epidemics like polio, Spanish 'flu, bird' flu, swine 'flu, AIDS, cancer, and wars.

It would have been impossible to harness the free energy of millions in two World Wars, or inflict a tsunami on Japan had they announced their objective was to diminish export rivalry, regress toward Lucifer's one world government and make the world a safe place for Communism. America's alien rulers have shown no compunction in flying a false flag to deceive citizens into laying down their lives for the cause of global hegemony. We cite the sabotage of the USS Maine, the non-sinking of the SS Sussex used by Woodrow Wilson to declare war on Germany, the SS Lusitania, Roosevelt's sacrifice of 2,000 American lives in the "surprise" attack on Pearl Harbour on a date Soviet spy Richard Sorge advised the Kremlin 60 days beforehand; the fraudulent Gulf of Tonkin lie used to justify open warfare against North Vietnam, the deception of Iraq by which Bush I caused Gulf War I, Bush II's sacrifice of 3,000 American lives in 9/11 to justify World War III, his lies about Iraq's WMD in order to justify Gulf War II, and more recently his lies against Hezbollah, Syria and Iran in order to hasten the "hot stage" of World War III. As suggested by experts, it seems the Boxing Day earthquake and tsunami off Sumatra were man-made demonstrations of the power of the hidden government of the USA. Third World life is cheap!

In the 1970s rocket scientist Wernher von Braun advised his colleague Carol Rosen the Russians were made to be the enemy in the phony Cold War; the next phony threat would be terrorists from Third World countries, then there would be an asteroid threat to influence the public into believing there are reasons why we should weaponise space, perhaps to protect our assets in space. The Pentagon, aerospace industries, laboratories, universities and anyone who has a job and makes a profit might be party to such a conspiracy although most people in the industry are not aware that there is a "big secret" inexorably linked to all facets of profit-making by the so-called security and defense industries.

The final threat also announced by Henry Kissinger, Ronald Reagan and George Bush was the possibility of an invasion by aliens from other worlds, which of course do not exist ( But Mr. Hussein's WMD, al Qaeda and Iran's nuclear threat did not exist. Pollution, anthropological climate change, space programs, star wars, extraterrestrials, and poisoning air and water are just some of the possible hoaxes suggested by the Hudson Institute in "Report from Iron Mountain On the Possibility and Desirability of Peace." We have discussed this in a number of Newsletters and in some of our Teaching Sermons.

Although few recognize the fact, everyone on earth is a soldier in the greatest battle ever fought between the unseen God and His unseen adversary. The battle is spiritual, and its outcome determined by thought expressed as words and deeds. The thoughts of the majority will result in the consummation of life. The thoughts of an infinitesimally minute number will be the mind of God that will manifest the 'third pull' and enable them to change in the atoms and escape the wrath to come.

Our calling is to "Go and take the little Book which is open in the hand of the Angel who is standing on the sea and on the earth. Take it and eat it up and become one with the Word, then prophesy its Message again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings. nl736.htm

Pass it on . . . please send this article to someone you know
Brother Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations in other countries. He pastors Bible Believers' tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.

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